Search Results for: ERA

term of art

term of art. 1. A word or phrase having a specific, precise meaning in a given specialty, apart from its general meaning in ordinary contexts. • Examples in law include and his heirs and res ipsa loquitur. [Cases: Contracts 152; Statutes 192. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 307, 318–322, 327, 331; Statutes§ 322.] 2. Loosely, a jargonistic

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visitation books

visitation books (英格兰古法)纹章调查清册 指1528-1686年间通过庄重和正规的巡视审查,由纹章官们〔heralds〕对经过宣誓证实的各家族的家系情况进行登记所产生的汇编性资料。其内容包括家族现状、纹章与家谱、婚姻、继承人等情况,它被认为是家系方面有效的证据。

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Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

A federal statute providing individuals with a right of action against foreign governments, under certain circumstances, to the extent the claim arises from the private, as opposed to the public, acts of the foreign state. 28 USCA §§ 1602–1611. — Abbr. FSIA. See RESTRICTIVE PRINCIPLE OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. [Cases: International Law 10.31–10.39. C.J.S. International Law

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consortship (kon-sort-ship).Maritime law. An agreement by which salvors agree to work together to salvage wrecks, the recovery being apportioned among the salvors. • Consortships reduce interference among competing salvors and help prevent collisions at sea between operators attempting to salvage the same wreck.

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paris convention for the protection of industrial property

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. A treaty designed to unify and streamline patent prosecutions and trademark applications among the signatories. • The Convention eased the harsh effects of the first-to-file priority rule by allowing an applicant in any member country one year in which to apply in other member countries while maintaining

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district court

district court (1)〈美〉联邦地区法院 设于各联邦司法区〔judicial districts〕的初审法院,对涉及联邦法律、联邦法律规定的犯罪及当事人具有不同州籍的案件具有一般管辖权〔general jurisdiction〕。通常每个州包括一个或几个联邦司法区,每一司法区设一地区法院,且一个州至少有一所联邦地区法院,在哥伦比亚特区〔District of Columbia〕有一所,关岛〔Guam〕、波多黎各〔Puerto Rico〕、维尔京群岛〔Virgin Islands〕等领地也各有一所。一般案件由一名法官审理和裁决,但有些案件则需由三名法官组成合议庭审理。在法官超过一名的联邦地区法院中,由年龄不超过70岁的资深法官担任首席法官〔chief judge〕。 (2)〈美〉州地区法院 州中享有一般管辖权的下级存卷法院。 (3)〈苏格兰〉地区法院 为最低一级的刑事法院,仅对轻微犯罪案件有管辖权。由一名领薪的治安法官或者一名或多名不领薪的非职业治安法官组成。对犯罪的控诉由地区检察长〔procurator-fiscal〕提起,审理适用简易程序。

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