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malleus maleficarum

Malleus Maleficarum (mal-ee-[schwa]s mal-[schwa]-fi-kair-[schwa]m). [Latin “Hammer of Witches”] Hist. An encyclopedic work about demonology and witchcraft, prepared in 1486 by two Dominican friars (Heinrich Kraemer and Johann Sprenger) as part of their efforts to eradicate witchcraft in Germany. • The Malleus Maleficarum was based largely on folk beliefs, but it was relied on as an […]

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judgment roll

judgment roll. See judgment docket under DOCKET(1). “As the pleadings constitute part of the record, it is indispensable that they be filed. In some of the codes they must be filed at the institution of the action; in others, by or before the first day of the term; in others, at or before the trial.

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south eastern reporter

South Eastern Reporter. A set of regional lawbooks, part of the West Group’s National Reporter System, containing every published appellate decision from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia, from 1887 to date. • The first series ran from 1887 to 1939; the second series is the current one. — Abbr. S.E.; S.E.2d.

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absolute novelty

Patents. The rule in most countries, but not in the United States, that an inventor must always file a patent application before the invention is publicly used, placed on sale, or disclosed. • Under U.S. law, an inventor is given a one-year grace period — beginning on the date of any public use, sale, offer

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antilapse statute

antilapse statute. Wills & estates. A statute that substitutes certain heirs of some types of testamentary benefi-ciaries when the beneficiary has predeceased the testator and permits them to take the gift, which would otherwise fail and thus pass to the residuary beneficiary (if any) or to the intestate heirs. • Under the common law and

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American Bar Association/ABA

American Bar Association/ABA 美国律师协会 主要通过康涅狄格州律师协会〔Connecticut Bar Association〕的努力,于1878年创立,总部设在芝加哥,是全美执业律师以及法官的自愿社团组织,具有非政府组织性质。协会成立一百多年来,一直负责努力促进美国法学的进一步发展,它制订了执业律师所需的正式法律教育标准和职业道德准则,创设了美国法律学会〔American Law Institute〕以及统一州法委员联合会〔Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws〕。美国法律学会致力于美国的一些部门实体法的汇编整理,统一州法委员联合会则致力于促进各州立法和司法的统一性,以增强司法公平。最近一些年来,美国律师协会已经引人注目地参与联邦法官候选人的推荐和遴选工作;并且对全美各法学院颁授「ABA认可」〔ABA-approved〕,改进律师职业及司法伦理准则。申请加入美国律师协会需满足一定要求,必须是美国某一州、领土、领地律师界的成员,道德品行良好,交纳会费。美国律师协会为执业律师在执业中的继续法律教育提供了多种公开研讨机会。在热点领域或法律改革方面展开研讨。在协会内部,会员可参加根据法律领域设立的各个部门的多种活动。协会也设有多个委员会处理有关法官遴选推荐、职业责任与职业训诫以及律师事务、预付律师费用、执业失职、老年人的法律问题,公益领域法律等诸多事务。协会通过一个七人成员的政府事务部〔Governmental Affairs Office/GAO〕涉入政治程序领域。政府事务部设在协会在华盛顿的办事处,拥有相当多的工作人员,充当整个律师界的「眼睛、耳朵和声音」,作为游说集团,进行政治游说工作。在立法或涉及法律制度的事务中,发挥广泛的政治游说影响。为使所有大众能平等得到司法制度的保障,美国律师协会最近增加了公益性质的、由执业律师提供的免费法律援助活动。协会每年开一次年会,每半年开一次(一般)会议,讨论选定的法律论题以及协会本身事务。美国律师协会每月还出版一期《美国律师协会月刊》〔American Bar Association Journal〕,还出版年度指导以及各种期刊、新闻通讯等报告协会各部门和各委员会的工作。协会还支持附属机构比如美国律师基金〔American Bar Foundation〕的活动,该基金资助法律研究活动。美国律师协会的目标如下:1增进美国司法制度的改善;2增进获得司法代表性的途径和司法平等;3提供促进法律服务于社会要求变化的领导作用;4增进公众对于法律的尊严、法律程序以及法律职业的理解认识;5达到职业精神、职业适格能力、职业伦理行为的最高标准;6作为法律职业界的全国性代表发挥作用;7为会员的职业发展提供帮助条件和计划项目,并且增强会员的生活素质;8促进世界范围的法治;9通过接纳少数民族裔和妇女会员来促进法律职业的全面参与和平等参与;B10保持并增进作为普通职业和献身于公益事业的法律职业理想;B11保持作为自由社会至关重要因素的法律职业界和司法界(法官)的独立。 (→American Law Institute)

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retrocession. 1. The act of ceding something back (such as a territory or jurisdiction). [Cases: United States 3. C.J.S. United States §§ 9–15.] 2. The return of a title or other interest in property to its former or rightful owner. 3. The process of transferring all or part of a reinsured risk to another reinsurance

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patent roll

Patent Roll. A list of the letters patent issued in the United Kingdom in any given year. • The first Patent Roll was issued in England in 1201. The Rolls were originally used to grant offices, lands, licenses, peerages, and pensions. In later centuries, the Patent Rolls included grants of patents for inventions.

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domain name

domain name. The words and characters that website owners designate for their registered Internet addresses. • All domain names have at least two levels. The first-level domain name identifies the registrant’s category as, e.g., a commercial site (.com), a governmental institution (.gov), an educational institution (.edu), a nonprofit group (.org), or a discussion group (.net).

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