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carrying charge

carrying charge 〈美〉附加费用 1在分期付款中,除利息外,债权人附加收取的费用。根据消费者信贷保护法〔consumer credit protection statutes〕,分期付款买卖中,卖方须充分公开有关的附加费用;2财产所有权附随的费用,如税收和维修保养费。

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abstraction filtration comparison test

abstraction-filtration-comparison test. Copyright. A judicially created test for determining whether substantial similarity exists between two works in an action for infringement. • In the first step, the court dissects the copy-righted work’s structure and isolates each level of abstraction or generality (abstraction test). In the second step, the court examines each level of abstraction and

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sui generis

sui generis (s[y]oo-Iorsoo-ee jen-[schwa]-ris). [Latin “of its own kind”] Of its own kind or class; unique or peculiar. • The term is used in intellectual-property law to describe a regime designed to protect rights that fall outside the traditional patent, trademark, copyright, and trade-secret doctrines. For example, a database may not be protected by copyright

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junior user

junior user. Trademarks. A person other than the first person to use a trademark. • A junior user may be permitted to continue using a mark in areas where the senior user’s mark is not used, if the junior user did not know about the other user, and was the first user to register the

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theodosian code

Theodosian Code (thee-[schwa]-doh-sh[schwa]n).Roman law. A compilation of imperial enactments prepared at the direction of the emperor Theodosius II and published in A.D. 438. • The Theodosian Code replaced all other imperial legislation from the time of Constantine I (A.D. 306–337), and remained the basis of Roman law until it was superseded by the first Justinian

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insurable interest

A legal interest in another person’s life or health or in the protection of property from injury, loss, destruction, or pecuniary damage. • To take out an insurance policy, the purchaser or the potential insured’s beneficiary must have an insurable interest. If a policy does not have an insurable interest as its basis, it will

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