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art n. (1)美术;艺术 (2)(需要技艺的)行业;职业 (3)技巧;技艺 (4)狡诈 (5)教唆方法 (6)技术 在专利法上,该词与「technology」同义,常用于诸如「现有技术」〔prior art〕、「相关技术」〔relevant art〕等语中。在美国宪法的专利与版权条款中,亦以该词表示「技术」,从而与「科学」〔science〕相对。

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res gestae

res gestae (rays jes-tee alsojes-tI), n. pl.[Latin “things done”] The events at issue, or other events contemporaneous with them. • In evidence law, words and statements about the res gestae are usu. admissible under a hearsay exception (such as present sense impression or excited utterance). Where the Federal Rules of Evidence or state rules fashioned

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merger doctrine

merger doctrine. 1. Copyright. The principle that since an idea cannot be copyrighted, neither can an expression that must inevitably be used in order to express the idea. • When the idea and expression are very difficult to separate, they are said to merge. For example, courts have refused copyright protection for business-ledger forms (Baker

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work product rule

work-product rule. The rule providing for qualified immunity of an attorney’s work product from discovery or other compelled disclosure. Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(3). • The exemption was primarily established to protect an attorney’s litigation strategy. Hickman v. Taylor, 329 U.S. 495, 67 S.Ct. 385 (1947). — Also termed work-product immunity; work-product privilege; work-product exemption;

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directive harmonizing the term of copyright and certain related rights

Directive Harmonizing the Term of Copyright and Certain Related Rights. Copyright. A 1993 European Commission initiative setting the term of most copyright protection at the life of the author plus 70 years. • The directive extended coverage in most member countries to match that of Germany, whose term was the longest on the Continent. —

directive harmonizing the term of copyright and certain related rights Read More »

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