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department of energy

Department of Energy. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for advising the President on energy policies, plans, and programs, and for providing leadership in achieving efficient energy use, diversity in energy sources, and improved environmental quality.• Headed by the Secretary of Energy, it oversees a comprehensive national energy plan, including the research, development, […]

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chevage (chee-vij). [fr. French chef “head”] Hist. An annual tribute payment from a villein to a lord. • Chevage was commonly exacted from villeins for permission to marry or permission to work outside a lord’s domain. — Also spelled chivage; chiefage. “Chevage, (chevagium) commeth of the French (chef. i. caput). It signifieth with us, a

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authorization clause

authorization clause. Patents. A Patent Act provision directing that if a person uses or manufactures something protected by a valid U.S. patent, acts on behalf of the U.S. government, and acts with the government’s authori-zation or consent, the U.S., not the person, is deemed the infringing user or manufacturer. • If an infringing act is

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Natural Environment Research Council

Natural Environment Research Council 〈英〉自然环境研究委员会 根据1965年的《科学技术法》〔Science and Technology Act〕创立,负责接管自然保护及国家海洋地理委员会〔Nature Conservancy and the National Oceanographic Council〕的工作。它至今仍在继续后者的工作,而其他方面的工作则已为自然保护委员会〔Nature Conservancy Council〕所取代。

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hijacking n. (1)拦路抢劫 一般指抢劫正在运输中的货车上的货物,有时仅指抢劫货物,有时也包括抢劫车辆和货物。 (2)劫持航空器 在航空器上,使用武力或任何威胁手段劫持或控制该航空器的罪行。通常是为了一定的政治目的而实施的。1970年在海牙国际社会专门针对非法劫持航空器的犯罪而制定了《海牙公约》〔Hague Convention〕,英国在1971年、1973年分别制定了相应的《制止劫持航空器法》〔Hijacking Act〕、《保护航空器法》〔Protection of Aircraft Act〕,规定对该罪提起诉讼需要征得总检察长的同意,对该罪可判处无期徒刑。

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brussels act

Brussels Act. Copyright. A 1948 revision of the Berne Convention mandating the life-plus-50-years copyright term as a minimum standard, extending the moral rights of attribution and integrity in most member countries to the full copyright term, extending the broadcast right to television, strengthening protection of several forms of copyright protection, and extending some protection to

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unfair labor practice

unfair labor practice. Any conduct prohibited by state or federal law governing the relations among employers, employees, and labor organizations. • Examples of unfair labor practices by an employer include (1) interfering with protected employee rights, such as the right to self-organization, (2) discriminating against employees for union-related activities, (3) retaliating against employees who have

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concession bargaining

concession bargaining. Labor law. A type of collective bargaining in which the parties negotiate the employees’ giving back previously gained improvements in wages, benefits, or working conditions in exchange for some form of job security, such as protection against layoffs. — Also termed employee givebacks; union givebacks. See COLLECTIVE BARGAINING.

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