unfair labor practice

unfair labor practice. Any conduct prohibited by state or federal law governing the relations among employers, employees, and labor organizations. • Examples of unfair labor practices by an employer include (1) interfering with protected employee rights, such as the right to self-organization, (2) discriminating against employees for union-related activities, (3) retaliating against employees who have […]

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unfair labor practice

unfair labor practice 〈美〉不公正劳工待遇;对劳工的不公正做法 指为有关调整僱主、僱员与劳工组织之间关系的联邦法律或依法所禁止的行为。根据《全国劳资关系法》〔National Labor Relations Act〕,下列情形为僱主的不公正劳工待遇:1干涉、限制或压制僱员行使其自我组织的权利,成立、加入、或帮助劳工组织,通过其自选代表签订集体合同,为集体合同或其他互助互保目的而从事协商活动;2控制或干涉任何劳工组织机构的成立和管理,或控制或干预对其进行财政及其他捐助;3以歧视性的方式僱佣或终身僱佣或以任何条件鼓励或打击任何劳工组织的成员;4打击或歧视任何依本法起诉或作证的僱员;5拒绝同其僱员的代表签订集体合同。

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