Search Results for: PLEA

compensatio criminis

compensatio criminis (kom-pen-say-shee-oh krim-[schwa]-nis). [Latin] Eccles. law. A defendant’s plea in a divorce action, alleging that the complainant is guilty of the same conduct that the defendant is charged with, esp. adultery. See RECRIMINATION(1). “The compensatio criminis is the standard canon law of England in questions of divorce, and it is founded on the principle

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give color

give color 表面上承认 指以明示或默示的方式承认对方当事人的似是而非的权利,而不作任何否认。在普通法诉讼中,提出承认但无效的答辩〔plea of confession and avoidance〕时必须对原告在起诉状中提出的事实给予表面上的承认,否则将构成无法补救的缺陷。

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non vult contendere

non vult contendere 〈拉〉他不争辩 刑事诉讼中被告人所作的一种答辩,类似于「nolo contendere」,或认为是其变化的一种形式。指被告人在发现由于证人死亡、缺席或其他原因而不能证明自己无罪时,而放弃作无谓的争辩。其在法律后果上等同于作有罪答辩〔plea of guilty〕。

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