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parol demurrer

parol demurrer 口头法律抗辩;当事人欠缺行为能力的抗辩 旧时普通法上,在未成年继承人〔infant heirs〕长辈的债权人对该未成年继承人提起的债务诉讼中,任一方当事人都有权请求中止诉讼,留待该继承人成年之后再作处理。这里demurrer的意思是停止或暂停,而parol则指诉状或诉答〔pleadings〕,因其最初是以口头形式进行的,所以以此称之。

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notice of appearance

notice of appearance. 1. Procedure. A party’s written notice filed with the court or oral announcement on the record informing the court and the other parties that the party wants to participate in the case. [Cases: Appearance 6; Federal Civil Procedure 561. C.J.S. Appearances § 20.] 2. Bankruptcy. A written notice filed with the court

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et sic de anno in annum quamdiu ambobus partibus placuerit

et sic de anno in annum quamdiu ambobus partibus placuerit (et sik dee an-oh in an-[schwa]m kwam-dee-yoo am-b[schwa]-b[schwa]s pahr-t[schwa]-b[ schwa]s plak-yoo-air-it). Hist. And so, from year to year, so long as both parties please, or are agreed. • The phrase appeared in reference to tacit relocation. See TACIT RELOCATION.

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