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privilege against self-incrimination

privilege against self-incrimination 〈美〉不自证其罪特权指根据美国宪法第五条修正案及州宪法的类似条款,在任何刑事案件中应根据证据论罪而被告享有不得被强迫自证其罪的特权。该特权仅限于被告可以不提供作为证据的口供,而不适用于诸如笔迹、指纹等物证。任何证人,在被迫召来提供证词时,亦可引用这一特权;但在其自愿作证时,则认为已放弃此特权。尽管此项特权大多在刑事审判中提出,不过任何人亦可在民事、行政、大陪审团及立法程序以「美国第五条修正案作为辩护的理由」〔plead the Fifth〕。此项特权是对抗式刑事审判制度〔accusatorial system〕的核心,与无罪推定〔presumption of innocence〕一起共同要求由国家负担控诉之责〔burden of prosecution〕。该词亦称right against self-incrimination; right to remain silent。 (→self-incrimination; immunity; link-in-chain)

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Bail Court

Bail Court 〈英〉保释法庭 1830年设立,为王座法庭的一个附属法庭,位于威斯敏斯特,负责听审和裁决尤其与诉答〔pleading〕和程序〔practice〕相关联的法律问题〔points〕。其主要职责是确认特别保释保证人〔special bail〕是否适格。也称作程序法庭〔Practice Court〕。1854年废除。

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common traverse

A traverse consisting of a tender of issue — that is, a denial accompanied by a formal offer for decision of the point denied — with a denial that expressly contradicts the terms of the allegation traversed. — Also termed specific traverse. [Cases: Pleading 117. C.J.S. Pleading § 184.]

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collatione facta uni post mortem alterius

collatione facta uni post mortem alterius (k[schwa]-lay-shee-oh-nee fak-t[ schwa] yoo-nI pohst mor-t[schwa]m al-teer-ee-[schwa]s [or awl-]). [Law Latin “by collation to a benefice made to one after the death of the other”] Hist. A writ directed to the Court of Common Pleas, requesting that the court order a bishop to appoint a clerk in place of

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non demiset

non demiset (non d[schwa]-mI-zit). [Latin “he did not demise”] Hist. 1. A defensive plea in an action for rent when the plaintiff failed to plead that the demise was by indenture. • It could not be used if the plaintiff alleged an indenture. 2. In a replevin action, a plea in bar to an avowry

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damage-cleer n. (英格兰古法)从损害赔偿金中收取的酬金 在涉及契约、非法侵占、殴打等损害赔偿额不确定的案件中,皇家民事法庭〔Court of Common Pleas〕、王座法庭〔Court of King’s Bench〕或财税法庭〔Exchequer〕可按不同比例从裁决的损害赔偿金中收取一定费用,以作为首席书记官〔prothonotary〕等人起草各种特别令状和诉状的额外报酬。原告需在首席书记官或执达官签发损害赔偿执行令状之前支付这笔费用。后来的立法取消了这一做法。之后如果这些法院中任何人以此名义或以其它方式收取费用,将被处以所收费用3倍数额的罚款。

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