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lucid interval

lucid interval (神志)清醒期 指精神病患者未受病害侵扰,神志回复清醒的短暂期间。在此期间,他能理解自己的行为,具有行为能力,可以为法律行为,其行为是合法、有效的,例如缔结合法婚姻、作出有效遗嘱或订立合同、以证人身份出庭作证等。 (→insanity; court of protection)

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aggravated robbery

Robbery committed by a person who either carries a dangerous weapon — often called armed robbery — or inflicts bodily harm on someone during the robbery. • Some statutes also specify that a robbery is aggravated when the victim is a member of a protected class, such as children or the elderly. [Cases: Robbery 11.

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border control

border control. Int’l law. A country’s physical manifestation of its territorial sovereignty, by which it regulates which people and goods may enter and leave. • As a practical matter, border controls are often used to contain plant and animal diseases, fight terrorism, and detect the movement of criminals.

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extraordinary remedy

A remedy — such as a writ of mandamus or habeas corpus — not available to a party unless necessary to preserve a right that cannot be protected by a standard legal or equitable remedy. • Because there is no agreed list of extraordinary remedies, some standard remedies — such as preliminary and permanent injunctions

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foster child

A child whose care and upbringing are entrusted to an adult other than the child’s natural or adoptive parents, usu. by an agency. • A foster child may receive informal, voluntary care by someone (often a grandparent, other relative, or neighbor) who enters into an agreement with the parent or who simply substitutes for the

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coemptio (koh-emp-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. A form of civil marriage in which the husband “purchased” from a woman’s father — by fictitious sale — the right to exercise marital power (manus) over the woman. • The father conveyed his daughter to her husband through the technical procedure of a sale of res mancipi. The

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insured, n. A person who is covered or protected by an insurance policy. — Also termed assured. [Cases: Insurance 2100. C.J.S. Insurance § 389.] additional insured. A person who is covered by an insurance policy but who is not the primary insured. • An additional insured may, or may not, be specifically named in the

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