Search Results for: ADULTER

in odium

in odium (in oh-dee-[schwa]m). [Latin] Hist. In detestation. • For example, a gift made to a woman who was later divorced for committing adultery was revoked in odium of her guilt.

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lairwite (lair-wIt), n. [fr. Saxon lagan “to lie” + wite “a fine”] Hist. A fine for adultery or fornication paid to the lord of the manor; esp., a lord’s privilege of receiving a fine for fornication with the lord’s female villeins. — Also termed lairesite; lecherwite (lech-[schwa]r-wIt); legerwite; leirwita; leyerwite; legenita (l[schwa]-jen-[schwa]-t[ schwa]); legruita (l[schwa]-groo-[schwa]-t[schwa]).

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Lex Julia

Lex Julia 〈拉〉(罗马法)朱利亚法 有很多法典都采用这一名称,但可以通过其后附加的用以描述该法主题的语词加以区别。「lex Julia de adulteriis」涉及婚姻、嫁资及其相关的问题;「lex Julia de ambitu」是用来惩治以非法手段谋取官职的行为的法律;「lex Julia de annona」旨在打击联合哄抬物价;「lex Julia de cessione bonorum」是破产方面的法律;「lex Julia de majestate」规定意在侵犯皇帝或国家者都将被判处死刑;「lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus」则禁止元老院成员及其子女与解放自由人〔freedmen〕或不名誉者〔infames〕结婚,同时也禁止解放自由人与不名誉者之间的婚姻;「lex Julia de residuis」则惩罚那些账目不全的公款管理人;「lex Julia de peculatu」惩罚那些窃取公共钱物或圣物者,对于协助其犯罪的官员将受到严惩,而其他罪犯将被流放。

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fornication, n. 1. Voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons. • Fornication is still a crime in some states, such as Virginia. 2. Hist. Voluntary sexual intercourse with an unmarried woman. • At common law, the status of the woman determined whether the offense was adultery or fornication — adultery was sexual intercourse between a

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fornication n. 私通 指无婚姻关系的男女自愿的性行为。若一方已婚而另一方未婚,则前者为通奸〔adultery〕,后者为私通。但美国有些州的制定法规定,只要女方已婚则双方均构成通奸,而不问男方婚否。各州立法对私通有不同的界定,但实际上极少有对之作出处罚的。 (→adultery; illicit cohabitation)

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a. 1. (usu. cap. & often ital.) A hypothetical person (A deeds Blackacre to B). 2. [Latin] From; by; in; on; of; at. 3. [Law Latin] With. 4. [Law French] Of; at; to; for; in; with. 5. Securities. A letter used in a newspaper stock-transaction table to indicate that cash was paid during the year

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collusion (k[schwa]-loo-zh[schwa]n), n. 1. An agreement to defraud another or to do or obtain something forbidden by law. [Cases: Fraud 30.] 2. As a defense to divorce, an agreement between a husband and wife to commit or to appear to commit an act that is grounds for divorce. • For example, before the advent of

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