Search Results for: COURT SYSTEM

new york supplement

New York Supplement. A set of regional lawbooks, part of the West Group’s National Reporter System, containing every published appellate decision from intermediate and lower courts of record in New York, from 1888 to date. • The first series ran from 1888 to 1937; the second series is the current one. — Abbr. N.Y.S.; N.Y.S.2d.

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king’s peace

King’s peace. Hist. A royal subject’s right to be protected from crime (to “have peace”) in certain areas subject to the king’s immediate control, such as the king’s palace or highway. • A breach of the peace in one of these areas subjected the offender to punishment in the king’s court. Over time, the area

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accounting. 1. The act or a system of establishing or settling financial accounts; esp., the process of recording transactions in the financial records of a business and periodically extracting, sorting, and summarizing the rec-orded transactions to produce a set of financial records. — Also termed financial accounting. 2. A rendition of an account, either voluntarily

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rule of the last antecedent

rule of the last antecedent 最接近的前项规则 一种诠释原则,法庭据此认定修饰性词汇或短语修饰的只是紧接在前面而非过于远离的那些词汇或短语,除非这种扩张性修饰对于上下文或整个文件的精神来说是必需的。例如在「Texas courts, New Mexico courts, and New York courts in the federal system」这样一个短语中,「in the federal system」应该只是修饰「New York courts」,而非同时修饰「Texas courts」或「Mexico courts」。

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judicial economy

judicial economy. Efficiency in the operation of the courts and the judicial system; esp., the efficient management of litigation so as to minimize duplication of effort and to avoid wasting the judiciary’s time and resources. • A court can enter a variety of orders to promote judicial economy. For instance, a court may consolidate two

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judicialize, vb. 1. To pattern (procedures, etc.) after a court of law (these administrative hearings have been judicialized). 2. To bring (something not traditionally within the judicial system) into the judicial system (political questions are gradually becoming judicialized). — judicialization, n.

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special digests

special digests 〈美〉特别判例摘要 指联邦法院的、州法院的、地区性和分主题的判例摘要。主要有《美国最高法院判例摘要》〔U.S. Supreme Court Digest〕,《联邦判例摘要》〔Federal Digest〕(收录联邦法院在1939年前判决的案件),《现代联邦诉讼摘要》〔Modern Federal Practice Digest〕(1939-1961),《韦氏联邦诉讼摘要》第2辑〔West’s Federal Practice Digest 2d〕(1961-1975),《韦氏联邦诉讼摘要》第3辑和第4辑(1975年至今)。专业性的联邦判例摘要有《破产法院判例摘要》〔Bankruptcy Digest〕,《索赔法院判例摘要》〔Claims Court Digest〕,《韦氏军事司法判例摘要》〔West’s Military Justice Digest〕。州法院的判决按地理位置收录在不同的《地区判例摘要》〔Regional Digests〕中出版,有《大西洋区判例摘要》〔Atlantic Digest〕,《西北区判例摘要》〔Northwestern Digest〕,《太平洋区判例摘要》〔Pacific Digest〕,《东南区判例摘要》〔Southeastern Digest〕和《南部地区判例摘要》〔Southern Digest〕,有的地区摘要分第1辑和第2辑出版。此外,许多州还出版本州的《州法院判例摘要》〔State Digest〕。其他的专业性的判例摘要还有《韦氏教育法判例摘要》〔West’s Education Law Digest〕等。《美国判例摘要系统》〔American Digest System〕中所收录的判例在相应的特别判例摘要中都可查到。

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crime against humanity

crime against humanity. Int’l law. A brutal crime that is not an isolated incident but that involves large and systematic actions, often cloaked with official authority, and that shocks the conscience of humankind. • Among the specific crimes that fall within this category are mass murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts perpetrated against

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nonsuit, n. 1. A plaintiff’s voluntary dismissal of a case or of a defendant, without a decision on the merits. • Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a voluntary dismissal is equivalent to a nonsuit. Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a). — Also termed voluntary discontinuance. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 1691; Pretrial Procedure 501. C.J.S.

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