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securities investor protection act

Securities Investor Protection Act. A 1970 federal law establishing the Securities Investor Protection Corporation that, although not a governmental agency, is designed to protect investors whose brokers and dealers are in financial trouble. — Abbr. SIPA. 15 USCA §§ 78aaa et seq. [Cases: Securities Regulation 185.10–185.21. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 308–322.]

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equal protection

equal protection. The 14th Amendment guarantee that the government must treat a person or class of persons the same as it treats other persons or classes in like circumstances. • In today’s constitutional jurisprudence, equal protection means that legislation that discriminates must have a rational basis for doing so. And if the legislation affects a

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equal protection

The 14th Amendment guarantee that the government must treat a person or class of persons the same as it treats other persons or classes in like circumstances. • In today’s constitutional jurisprudence, equal protection means that legislation that discriminates must have a rational basis for doing so. And if the legislation affects a fundamental right

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protection n. (1)保护;保障;庇护 (2)(英格兰古法)庇护令状 由御前大臣办公署依据国王特权签发的一项令状,在1年内免除针对正在国外为国王服务的被告所开始的一切对人诉讼和许多不动产诉讼。 (→writ of protection) (3)〈英〉(从前发给船员以证明其可免于被强征入海军的)豁免证书 (4)〈美〉(公证人发给船员或其他出国者以证明其为美国公民的)国籍证书 (5)贸易保护主义;贸易保护制度 一国政府为刺激和发展国内生产而对原产于外国或在外国制造的相同进口产品提高关税及限制进口。其主要表现是限制外国产品的进口或将外国商品的价格提高到一定程度使其丧失与国内产品竞争的能力。 (6)(保险合同规定的)承保风险范围 (7)〈美〉(某些犯罪群体,如赌博场所的所有人,通过向政府官员或政治大亨行贿而取得的)免于被指控;控罪豁免 (8)〈美〉(向发出暴力威胁的敲诈者支付的)保护费

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protected activity

protected activity. Conduct that is permitted or encouraged by a statute or constitutional provision, and for which the actor may not legally be retaliated against. • For example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits an employer from retaliating against an employee who opposes a discriminatory employment practice or helps in investigating an allegedly

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pentecostals n. 圣灵降临节献祭 在圣灵降临节〔Pentecost〕或圣灵降临周〔Whitsuntide〕,由教民缴纳给堂区牧师,或由下级教会缴纳给上级教会的贡品或祭品,后以钱替代了实物。1963年《教会管辖法》〔Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure〕废弃之。

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