Search Results for: TEC

lie detector

lie detector 测谎器 据称在证人作证时,将其放在证人身上就可以显示出证人是否讲了实话的一种装置。其设计原理是,在证人有意识地去说谎时,其呼吸和血压会发生变化,所以通过记录证人在回答提问时的血压变化,可以判断其是否作了伪证。 (→polygraph)

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science and technology directorate

Science and Technology Directorate. The division of the Department of Homeland Security responsible for coordinating research and development, including preparing for and responding to terrorist threats involving weapons of mass destruction. • The Directorate also works with the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Countermeasures Program and the Environmental Measurements Lab in the Department of Energy,

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last antecedent rule

last antecedent rule 最后先行词原则 一项解释制定法的原则,要求相关的或限制性的单词或短语必须使用于直接在其前面的单词或短语上,它不能扩展及于或包容其他较远的单词、短语或从句,除非这种扩展或包容是由上下文的意图和意义所明确要求的,或由审阅整个法律而有所揭示。 (→last antecedent clause)

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