Search Results for: UNLAWFUL


ambitus (am-bi-t[schwa]s), n. [Latin ambitus “deviousness, corruption”] Hist. The procuring of a public office by money or gifts; the unlawful buying and selling of a public office.

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blackmail, n. 1. A threatening demand made without justification; EXTORTION. Cf. FEEMAIL; GRAYMAIL; GREENMAIL(1), (2). [Cases: Extortion and Threats 25. 1. C.J.S. Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 2–20.] — blackmail, vb. “[Blackmail is] a certain rate of Money, Corn, Cattle, or other consideration, paid to some inhabiting upon, or near the borders, being persons of

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feticide (fee-t[schwa]-sId). 1. The act or an instance of killing a fetus, usu. by assaulting and battering the mother; esp., the act of unlawfully causing the death of a fetus. 2. An intentionally induced miscarriage. — Also spelled foeticide. — Also termed child destruction. Cf. INFANTICIDE (1). — feticidal, adj.

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picketing. The demonstration by one or more persons outside a business or organization to protest the entity’s activities or policies and to pressure the entity to meet the protesters’ demands; esp., an employees’ demonstration aimed at publicizing a labor dispute and influencing the public to withhold business from the employer. • Picketing is usu. considered

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tortious interference with contractual relations

tortious interference with contractual relations. A third party’s intentional inducement of a contracting party to break a contract, causing damage to the relationship between the contracting parties. — Also termed unlawful interference with contractual relations; interference with a contractual relationship; interference with contract; inducement of breach of contract; procurement of breach of contract. [Cases: Master

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forcible entry

forcible entry. 1. The act or an instance of violently and unlawfully taking possession of lands and tenements against the will of those in lawful possession. 2. The act of entering land in another’s possession by the use of force against another or by breaking into the premises.

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conventicle (k[schwa]n-ven-t[schwa]-k[schwa]l). [fr. Latin conventiculum “small assembly”] 1. An assembly of a clandestine or unlawful character. 2. An assembly for religious worship; esp., a secret meeting for worship not sanctioned by law. 3. A place where such meetings are held.

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