
picketing. The demonstration by one or more persons outside a business or organization to protest the entity’s activities or policies and to pressure the entity to meet the protesters’ demands; esp., an employees’ demonstration aimed at publicizing a labor dispute and influencing the public to withhold business from the employer. • Picketing is usu. considered a form of fair persuasion of third persons if access to the place of business is not materially obstructed. Cf. BOYCOTT; STRIKE.

common-situs picketing. The illegal picketing by union workers of a construction site, stemming from a dispute with one of the subcontractors. [Cases: Labor Relations 300. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 285, 316–317.]

informational picketing. Picketing to inform the public about a matter of concern to the union.

organizational picketing. Picketing by a union in an effort to persuade the employer to accept the union as the collective-bargaining agent of the employees; esp., picketing by members of one union when the employer has already recognized another union as the bargaining agent for the company’s employees.

— Also termed recognition picketing.

secondary picketing. The picketing of an establishment with which the picketing party has no direct dispute in order to pressure the party with which there is a dispute. See secondary boycott under BOYCOTT; secondary strike under STRIKE. [Cases: Labor Relations 344. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 309–313, 315–319, 323.]

unlawful picketing. Picketing carried on in violation of law, as when the picketers use threats or violence to dissuade other employees from returning to work.

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