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coparcener (koh-pahr-s[schwa]-n[schwa]r). A person to whom an estate descends jointly, and who holds it as an entire estate; a person who has become a concurrent owner as a result of descent. — Also termed parcener; (archaically) coparticeps. “Coparceners constitute a single heir, and they occupy a position intermediate between joint tenants and tenants in common.

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senior, adj. 1. (Of a debt, etc.) first; preferred, as over junior obligations. 2. (Of a person) older than someone else. 3. (Of a person) higher in rank or service. 4. (Of a man) elder, as distinguished from the man’s son who has the same name.

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term sheet

term sheet. Securities. 1. A document setting forth all information that is material to investors about the offering but is not disclosed in the accompanying prospectus or the confirmation. 2. LETTER OF INTENT. abbreviated term sheet. A term sheet that includes (1) the description of the securities as required by Item 202 of SEC Regulation

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magistrate n. (1)最高统治者;首席官员 指某一政府机构中职位最高者,如皇帝、君主、总统、州长等。也称「chief magistrate」或「first magistrate」。 (2)公职文官 泛指由政府委派,包括行使立法、行政、司法职能的官员。 (3)治安法官;基层司法官员 一般指具有有限管辖权的、地方性的初级法官。在英国,通常称治安法官,为对刑事或准刑事案件具有简易裁判权〔summary jurisdiction〕的司法官员。有两类:一是荣誉治安法官〔honorary magistrate〕,由太平绅士〔justices of the peace〕组成;一是领薪治安法官〔stipendiary magistrate〕,通常被任命于人口较多的地区履行职责,其权限比普通的太平绅士要宽。在英国,magistrate还常用于这些词组中,如police magistrate, metropolitan magistrate, magistrates’ courts, resident magistrate(用于爱尔兰)等。在美国,许多州的司法系统中均有此类基层司法官员,常被冠以「magistrate」,「justices of the peace」,「police justices」等称呼。其权限由制定法规定,管辖范围一般以其任职所在县为限,其产生方式,有的州为选举,有的州为任命,具体职责因州而异,通常包括对机动车违章案件或破坏治安的案件举行听审,签发逮捕令、搜查令,决定是否准予保释,主持刑事案件的预审,处理小额民事案件等。联邦司法官〔U.S. magistrates〕为根据1968年的《美国司法官法》〔United States Magistrates Act〕规定设置的、由联邦地区法院法官任命的联邦基层司法官员,它取代了原来的美国司法专员〔U.S. commissioners〕,可以行使联邦法官的某些但非全部职权。

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right of preemption

right of preemption. A potential buyer’s contractual right to have the first opportunity to buy, at a specified price, if the seller chooses to sell within the contracted period. • For example, if Beth has a right of preemption on Sam’s house for five years at $100,000, Sam can either keep the house for five

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defense department

Defense Department. An executive department of the federal government, responsible for coordinating and overseeing military affairs and the agencies responsible for national security. • The Department was established as the National Military Establishment in 1947, by combining the War and the Navy Departments. Its name was changed to Department of Defense in 1949. The Department’s

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fratriage (fra-tree-ij orfray-). Hist. 1. A younger brother’s portion of his father’s estate, received as an inheritance. • Under feudal law, even though the land was from the father’s estate, the younger brother was bound to pay homage to the older brother. 2. A portion of an inheritance given to coheirs. — Also termed fratriagium.

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