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genocide (jen-[schwa]-sId).Int’l law. An international crime involving acts causing serious physical and mental harm with the intent to destroy, partially or entirely, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. • The widely ratified Genocide Convention of 1948 defines the crime. The International Criminal Court has jurisdiction to try those accused of genocide. Many nations also

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forced heir

Civil law. A person whom the testator or donor cannot disinherit because the law reserves part of the estate for that person. • In Louisiana, only descendants are forced heirs. La. Civ. Code art. 1493. See LEGITIME. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 23. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution §§ 30–31.]

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fee simple

An interest in land that, being the broadest property interest allowed by law, endures until the current holder dies without heirs; esp., a fee simple absolute. — Often shortened to fee. — Also termed estate in fee simple; tenancy in fee; exclusive ownership; fee-simple title; feudum simplex. [Cases: Estates in Property 5–7. C.J.S. Estates §§

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headnote. A case summary that appears before the printed judicial opinion in a law report, addresses a point of law, and usu. includes the relevant facts bearing on that point of law. — Also termed syllabus; synopsis; reporter’s syllabus. “The syllabus or headnote is a brief statement of the propositions of law decided in the

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legitime (lej-[schwa]-tim), n. Civil law. The part of a testator’s property that his or her children (and occasionally other heirs) are legally entitled to regardless of the will’s terms. La. Civ. Code art. 1494. • The legitime cannot be denied the children without legal cause. In Roman law, the amount of the legitime was one-fourth

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