headnote n. 判决提要 判例汇编中对案件判决所适用的法律原则以及案件主要事实所作的简要概括,置于法官的判决意见〔opinion〕之前。也称作syllabus; synopsis。 (→digest)
headnote n. 判决提要 判例汇编中对案件判决所适用的法律原则以及案件主要事实所作的简要概括,置于法官的判决意见〔opinion〕之前。也称作syllabus; synopsis。 (→digest)
headnote. A case summary that appears before the printed judicial opinion in a law report, addresses a point of law, and usu. includes the relevant facts bearing on that point of law. — Also termed syllabus; synopsis; reporter’s syllabus. “The syllabus or headnote is a brief statement of the propositions of law decided in the