Search Results for: RULE, THE

attempt to attempt

attempt to attempt. A first step made toward a criminal attempt of some sort, such as a failed effort to mail someone a note inciting that person to engage in criminal conduct. • As a general rule, courts do not recognize an attempt to commit a crime that is itself an attempt. But some jurisdictions

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Incoterms 《国际贸易术语解释通则》 其全称为:International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms。为国际贸易惯例中最常用的商业术语的统一定义和解释,由国际商会〔International Chamber of Commerce〕于1923、1936、1953、1980、1990及2000年出版,它们采用实践中最常使用的意义,并根据国际贸易的发展而不断更新。1990年版对13种术语进行了解释,它们是EXW、FCA、FAS、FOB、CFR、CIF、CPT、CIP、DAF、DES、DEQ、DDU和DDP,并将它们依不同特点分成四类:E字组为发货,F字组为主要运费未付,C字组为主要运费已付,D字组为货到。 (=International Commercial Terms)

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administrative law

administrative law 行政法 指规范政府行政机关的组织和活动,调整行政机关与立法机关、司法机关和公众关系的法律总称。它可以分为三个部分:1授予行政机关权力及确立与这些权力相关的实体法规则的法律;2由行政机关制定的法规,包括行政规则〔administrative rules〕、行政法规〔administrative regulations〕、行政裁决汇编〔administrative reports〕等;3当行政机关的行政行为与公民权利相冲突时,调整这些冲突的法律原则和程序。在英美法律制度中,行政法经历了长期的孕育和阵痛过程,目前虽还不很成熟,但已初具规模,摆脱了英美不存在行政法的盲目偏见。现在行政法是英美法学院中教授的、为理解其整个法律制度所必需的一个法律部门。

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federal register

Federal Register. A daily publication containing presidential proclamations and executive orders, federal-agency regulations of general applicability and legal effect, proposed agency rules, and documents required by law to be published. • The Federal Register is published by the National Archives and Records Administration. — Abbr. Fed. Reg. [Cases: Administrative Law and Procedure 407. C.J.S. Public

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right of way

right of way (1)通行权 当事人享有的通过他人土地的地役权。 (2)铁路用地权 针对铁道建设用地。 (3)优先通行权 当两辆车或车辆与行人同时经过同一个地点时,由其中一方享有优先通行的权利,但权利人仍然对自己及对方的安全负有注意义务。先行权规则〔right-of-way rule〕是规定同时接近公路十字路口的两个路面使用者中,由谁首先通过的规则。(→easement)

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metalaw (met-[schwa]-law). A hypothetical set of legal principles based on the rules of existing legal systems and designed to provide a framework of agreement for these different systems. “[T]he Constitution controls the deployment of governmental power and defines the rules for how such power may be structured and applied. The Constitution, therefore, is not a

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