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minutes. 1. Memoranda or notes of a transaction or proceeding. 2. Parliamentary law. The formal record of a deliberative assembly’s proceedings, approved (as corrected, if necessary) by the assembly. — Also termed journal; record; report. See DISPENSE WITH THE READING OF THE MINUTES; SPREAD UPON THE MINUTES . “The minutes of an organization include a […]

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heir(s) n. (1)法定继承人 严格地说,该词仅指在无遗嘱的情况下继承遗产的人,而不包括根据遗嘱继承遗产的人。在更准确的意义上,1926年以前的英格兰和1965年以前的苏格兰中,该法定继承人仅指根据封建继承规则〔feudal rule of succession〕有权继承死者不动产的人,与继承死者不动产的遗嘱执行人〔executor〕或最近亲者〔next-of-kin〕相对。而所谓的封建继承规则,即以男性优先于女性、男性继承人中的长子继承制〔primogeniture〕以及代位继承〔representation〕为基础而确立的继承规则。1925年后的《遗产管理法》〔Administration of Estates Act〕将之废除,但对1926年以前使用「heir」一词的,仍依其原义。该词在美国也可指法定继承人,因此,它与其他表示法定继承人的词,如「heir at law」或「legal heir」同义,通常,仅该词即可表达法定继承人的意思。一般而言,在某人尚生存期间,并没有法定继承人,但在英文中却有若干术语对这种潜在的法定继承人〔potential heirs〕进行分类,如期待法定继承人〔expectant heir〕、将来法定继承人〔prospective heir〕(包括推定法定继承人〔heir presumptive〕和当然法定继承人〔heir apparent〕)。 (→prospective heir; heir presumptive; heir apparent) (2)继承人 在广泛意义上,指依遗嘱或法律继承死者财产的人〔successor〕。在大陆法上,该词指概括继承人〔universal successor〕,其中由遗嘱所创设的继承人称为「遗嘱继承人」〔testamentary heir〕,无遗嘱的最近亲者〔next-of-kin〕则称为「法定继承人」〔heir at law〕或「无遗嘱继承人」〔heir by intestacy〕,而普通法中的遗嘱执行人〔executor〕则在多方面对应于大陆法中的遗嘱继承人。 (→universal succession) (3)不动产法定继承人 严格言之,该词指无遗嘱时有权继承土地的人;无遗嘱的情况下有权继承动产的人,则称为动产法定继承人〔distributee〕或最近亲者。但此区别即使在一般的律师用语中亦已不再被遵循。

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Epanagoge 《法律入门》 大约于公元879年在拜占廷皇帝巴西尔一世〔Basil I〕的主持下编纂的一部法典,它以优士丁尼法典和利奥三世《法律汇编》〔Ecloga〕为基础,试图对希腊法律的综合性选编工作进行介绍。最初它只涉及皇帝、牧首〔patriarch〕及其他世俗和宗教的高职人员的权利和义务。它把教会和国家视为一个由皇帝和牧首共同领导的统一体,皇帝负责促进人民的物质繁荣,牧首则负责人民的精神幸福。这种把世俗和宗教权力分开的理论一般认为是出自佛提乌〔Photius〕。但该法典从未得到过立法机关的认可。它后来成为《巴西尔法典》〔Basilica〕的基础,其部分内容还可在《斯拉夫法典》〔Slavic codes〕及《俄罗斯律书》〔Russian Book of Rules〕中找到。

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local law theory

local-law theory. Conflict of laws. The view that, although a court of the forum recognizes and enforces a local right (that is, one created under its own law), in a foreign-element case it does not necessarily apply the rule that would govern an analogous case of a purely domestic character, but instead takes into account

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administrative law

administrative law. The law governing the organization and operation of administrative agencies (including executive and independent agencies) and the relations of administrative agencies with the legislature, the execu-tive, the judiciary, and the public. • Administrative law is divided into three parts: (1) the statutes endowing agencies with powers and establishing rules of substantive law relating

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applied art doctrine

applied-art doctrine. Copyright. The rule that a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work that has an inherent use apart from its appearance, and is also an expressive work apart from its utility, may qualify for copyright protection. • Examples have included bookends, lamps, and sundials. In contrast to applied art, industrial designs are not copyrightable, although

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custom, n. 1. A practice that by its common adoption and long, unvarying habit has come to have the force of law. See USAGE. [Cases: Customs and Usages 1. C.J.S. Customs and Usages § 1.] — customary, adj. conventional custom. A custom that operates only indirectly through the medium of agreements, so that it is

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suit money

suit money 〈美〉 (1)律师费 法院允予付给或判令付给一方当事人的律师费用。 (2)诉讼费用 1某些州的制定法规定,在妻子提起离婚诉讼时,丈夫应支付给妻子临时扶养费〔temporary alimony〕性质的费用,以使其能进行有效的诉讼准备和维持诉讼的进行。2许多联邦制定法中规定的对某些案件给予的律师费津贴,如追索社会保障残疾人福利之诉讼。 (→American rule; Equal Access to Justice Act)

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agency of necessity

An agency arising during an emergency that necessitates the agent’s acting without authori-zation from the principal; the relation between a person who in exigent circumstances acts in the interest of another without being authorized to do so. • It is a quasi-contractual relation formed by the operation of legal rules and not by the agreement

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