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instance, n. 1. An example or occurrence (there were 55 instances of reported auto theft in this small community last year). 2. The act of instituting legal proceedings (court of first instance). 3. Urgent solicitation or insistence (she applied for the job at the instance of her friend). instance, vb. To illustrate by example; to

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tack, n. Scots law. A deed creating a lease of land or other immovable property for an annual rent payable in money, services, or fruits produced on the land. • The lessee may be referred to as a tacksman or tackswoman. — tack, vb. tack, vb. 1. To add (one’s own period of land possession)

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comptroller (k[schwa]n-troh-l[schwa]r). An officer of a business or a private, state, or municipal cor-poration who is charged with duties usu. relating to fiscal affairs, including auditing and examining accounts and reporting the financial status periodically. — Also spelled controller. [Cases: Corporations 303; Municipal Corporations 172. C.J.S. Corporations § 471; Municipal Corporations §§ 406–408.]

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intestate a. 无遗嘱的;未立遗嘱的 可用于描述死时未立有有效遗嘱的人、或该人所有的财产等相关情形。一人死亡时未立遗嘱或未留下任何表明其死后如何处置其财产的愿望的材料,称为无遗嘱死亡。此时由法律规定谁将接受死者财产,即由法定继承人〔heirs at law〕继承其遗产。 n.无遗嘱死亡者;未留下遗嘱而死亡的人(→dying intestate; intestacy; partial intestacy)

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