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a. 1. (usu. cap. & often ital.) A hypothetical person (A deeds Blackacre to B). 2. [Latin] From; by; in; on; of; at. 3. [Law Latin] With. 4. [Law French] Of; at; to; for; in; with. 5. Securities. A letter used in a newspaper stock-transaction table to indicate that cash was paid during the year […]

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insured, n. A person who is covered or protected by an insurance policy. — Also termed assured. [Cases: Insurance 2100. C.J.S. Insurance § 389.] additional insured. A person who is covered by an insurance policy but who is not the primary insured. • An additional insured may, or may not, be specifically named in the

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marketplace of ideas

marketplace of ideas. A forum in which expressions of opinion can freely compete for acceptance without governmental restraint. • Although Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was the first jurist to discuss the concept as a metaphor for explaining freedom of speech, the phrase marketplace of ideas dates in American caselaw only from 1954.

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equally divided

equally divided. 1. (Of property) apportioned per capita — not per stirpes — among heirs on the testator’s death. • A provision in a will calling for property to be divided “share and share alike” has the same effect. [Cases: Wills 530. C.J.S. Wills §§ 1015–1016.] 2. (Of a court, legislature, or other group) having

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waterpower. 1. The force obtained by converting water into energy. 2. The riparian owner’s right consisting of the fall in the stream as it passes over or through the riparian owner’s land; the difference of the level between the surface where the stream first touches one’s land and the surface where the water leaves the

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lex fori

lex fori (leks for-I). [Latin] The law of the forum; the law of the jurisdiction where the case is pending (the lex fori governs whether the death penalty is a possible punishment for a first-degree-murder conviction). — Also termed lex ordinandi. Cf. LEX LOCI(1). [Cases: Action 17. C.J.S. Actions §§ 18–20; Conflict of Laws §§

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