equally divided
equally divided (遗产)平等分割的 在遗嘱中使用该词或「按份并等份分割」〔divided share and share alike〕,则表示遗产应当按继承人人数〔per capita〕进行分割,而不按家系〔per stirpes〕。但若遗嘱其他部分另有规定,则该词含义发生改变,可以按家系继承。
equally divided (遗产)平等分割的 在遗嘱中使用该词或「按份并等份分割」〔divided share and share alike〕,则表示遗产应当按继承人人数〔per capita〕进行分割,而不按家系〔per stirpes〕。但若遗嘱其他部分另有规定,则该词含义发生改变,可以按家系继承。
equally divided. 1. (Of property) apportioned per capita — not per stirpes — among heirs on the testator’s death. • A provision in a will calling for property to be divided “share and share alike” has the same effect. [Cases: Wills 530. C.J.S. Wills §§ 1015–1016.] 2. (Of a court, legislature, or other group) having