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Curia Regis

Curia Regis 〈拉〉(英格兰古法)大谘议会;御前会议;王室法庭 广义上是指大谘议会,即诺曼时代取代盎格鲁-撒克逊贤人会议〔Witenagemot〕的英格兰大谘议会,每年召开3次,由主教、伯爵和国王的直属封臣参加。狭义上指御前会议,即由从大谘议会中选出的少数成员组成并经常召集以协助国王处理政务的更小的团体。据此,「curia」均指巡回或随国王巡游之义,且其权力范围未予限定。但两会议之间的区别日益显着,大谘议会成为了封建性的议会,而御前会议则成为了行政或立法委员会及司法机构。在政治方面,它可以对立法及其它重要活动提出建议并给予首肯;并对整个封建社会行使最高的行政管理权;作为封建法庭,它对国王的直属封臣之间或其他显贵之间的纠纷有一审裁判权,并享有过去贤人会议所享有的上诉管辖权。在交纳一笔费用之后,普通民众可以将在郡或百户区法庭审理的案件移至这里。它同时对财产的评估和皇室税赋的征收进行督导。但御前会议的财政和司法职能逐渐专门化,亨利一世时从其中分出一个部门专门处理财税事务,称之为「财政署」〔Curia Regis ad Scaccarium〕。财政署又分为两部分,下署负责财政收支,上署负责处理财税、账目方面的纠纷。各郡郡长每年均要两次前往财政署上缴本郡应纳之赋税和其它款项,并处理相关财务纠纷。1198年御前大臣〔Chancellor〕脱离财政署,财政署职员遂变得重要起来,后被冠以财政大臣〔Chancellor of the Exchequer〕之称,其中的高级官员称为财税法官〔Barones Scaccarii〕,他们经常被邀请来裁决不限于财税方面的各种案件。到亨利二世时,御前会议继续作为一个单一的无明显特征的法庭而存在,尽管时而有人数不定的法官在财政署处理财税方面的事务。这一时期王室法庭的业务范围迅速扩大,不再局限于显贵之间的纠纷,法官人数增至18人。但1178年亨利二世将法官人数减至5人,并组成一个委员会供国王自己听审那些御前会议无法处理的案件,这一委员会就变成了民诉法庭〔Court of Common Pleas〕,它继续随着国王四处巡游,并在很长时间内实质上与御前会议无明显区别。《大宪章》〔Magna Carta〕的第17条规定,民诉法庭应在一个固定的地点进行,这使得民诉法庭固定在了威斯敏斯特,同时成为纯粹的司法机构。《大宪章》第18条规定,关于地产占有案件的巡回陪审〔possessory assizes〕应在案件发生地举行,这样民诉法庭每年4次派出2名法官外出审判,由当地4名骑士协助。到亨利三世统治末年,御前会议依据分工已逐渐分为3个法庭,并有各自较确定的管辖范围:处理财税纠纷的财税法庭,处理普通民众间民事纠纷的民诉法庭和王座法庭。后者起初实际上、后来在理论上都是一个随国王巡游的法庭,它负责管辖上两个法庭管辖权之外的案件,包括刑事和对民诉法庭的上诉管辖权。作为御前会议遗迹之一的是所有法官在财政署内室〔Exchequer Chamber〕聚会讨论疑难案件。

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answer day

The last day for a defendant to file and serve a responsive pleading in a lawsuit. • Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a defendant generally must serve an answer (1) within 20 days after being served with the summons and complaint, or (2) if a defendant timely waives service at the plaintiff’s request,

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bill of indemnity

bill of indemnity. 1. Hist. An act of Parliament passed annually to protect officeholders who unwittingly fail to take a required oath from liability for acts done in an official capacity. • A more general statute, the Promissory Oaths Act, replaced the bill of indemnity in 1868. 2. A law protecting a public official from

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tender of issue

tender of issue. Common-law pleading. A form attached to a traverse, by which the traversing party refers the issue to the proper mode of trial. [Cases: Pleading 100, 112. C.J.S. Pleading §§ 183, 764, 769.] “[I]t is the object of all pleadings to bring the parties, in the course of their mutual altercations, to an

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disjunctive allegation

disjunctive allegation 选择性主张 指在民事诉答书状〔pleading〕或刑事起诉书〔information or indictment〕中以可选择的形式陈述一项主张或提出指控,中间以「or」连接,如称被告「谋杀(某人)或造成(某人)被谋杀」即属此类。在刑事起诉书中提出选择性的指控是不允许的,除非有制定法明确许可。在民事诉讼中,则可以提出可选择的或几种不同形式的救济请求。 (→alternative pleading)

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denial, n. 1. A refusal or rejection; esp., a court’s refusal to grant a request presented in a motion or petition (denial of the motion for summary judgment). 2. A defendant’s response controverting the facts that a plaintiff has alleged in a complaint; a repudiation (the worker filed a denial alleging that physical contact never

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adjective law

adjective law (aj-ik-tiv). The body of rules governing procedure and practice; PROCEDURAL LAW. — Also termed adjectival law. [Cases: Action 1. C.J.S. Actions §§ 2–9, 11, 17, 21, 32–33, 36.] “The body of law in a State consists of two parts, substantive and adjective law. The former prescribes those rules of civil conduct which declare

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