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form of action

The common-law legal and procedural device associated with a particular writ, each of which had specific forms of process, pleading, trial, and judgment. • The 11 common-law forms of action were trespass, trespass on the case, trover, ejectment, detinue, replevin, debt, covenant, account, special assumpsit, and general assumpsit. [Cases: Action 29; Federal Civil Procedure 71. […]

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coram nobis

coram nobis 〈拉〉本法院纠错令状 该词的本义是「在我们自己面前」。在英格兰古法中,指在王座法庭纠正已判决案件存在事实上的错误的令状,与要求王座法庭以外的其他法庭(尤其指民诉法庭〔Court of Common Pleas〕)纠正错误的令状〔coram vobis〕相对。后也指要求纠正本法院所作判决存在的事实上的错误的令状。所指事实上的错误通常指在诉讼中未提出某事实,但被告对此并不存在疏忽,而是由于存在欺诈、胁迫或其他可免责的错误,如果在诉讼中该事实得到确认,法庭就不会作出此判决。也称作「writ of error coram nobis」或「writ of coram nobis」。美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕已废除了此种令状。

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quia improvide

quia improvide 〈拉〉〈英〉 (1)诉讼中止令 在衡平法院的书记官被他人违反该法院享有的特权而在民诉法庭〔Common Pleas〕起诉时,签发的中止诉讼程序的令状。 (2)中止执行令 对错误签发的或因不谨慎签发的令状而发出的中止执行的令状。

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租借(设备),雇用(雇员) 英语:hire, to (equipment, employees) 法语:louer/engager 德语:mieten, vermieten/als Lohnarbeiter einstellen, anheuern 意大利语:affittare, noleggiare/impiegare, ingaggiare 西班牙语:arrendar/emplear

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decessus (di-ses-[schwa]s), n. [fr. Latin decedere “to depart”] 1. Roman law. A death. 2. A departure. • This term has been used in both the civil and common law, esp. in reference to the desertion of a ground in a previous pleading in favor of another. See DEPARTURE.

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