hire, vb. 1. To engage the labor or services of another for wages or other payment. 2. To procure the temporary use of property, usu. at a set price. 3. To grant the temporary use of services (hire themselves out).
hire, vb. 1. To engage the labor or services of another for wages or other payment. 2. To procure the temporary use of property, usu. at a set price. 3. To grant the temporary use of services (hire themselves out).
租借(设备),雇用(雇员) 英语:hire, to (equipment, employees) 法语:louer/engager 德语:mieten, vermieten/als Lohnarbeiter einstellen, anheuern 意大利语:affittare, noleggiare/impiegare, ingaggiare 西班牙语:arrendar/emplear