Search Results for: IRS

s 1

S-1. An SEC form that a company usu. must file before listing and trading its securities on a national exchange. • Used primarily by first-time issuers of securities, this form is the basic, full-length registration statement that requires a great deal of information about the issuer and the securities being sold. The SEC has also

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Veterans Administration

Veterans Administration 〈美〉退伍军人署 负责退伍军人及退伍军人扶养的家属福利项目的独立联邦机关。这些福利指与服役相关的残疾或死亡赔偿金、退休金、教育和为恢复独立生活能力的康复训练,家庭贷款担保计划,涉及广泛的私人疗养院、诊所和医院的综合性医疗项目,包括公墓、墓碑等在内的丧葬。1989年它被退伍军人事务部〔Department of Veterans Affairs〕所取代,地位升至内阁级。 (→Court of Veterans Appeals)

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teen court

A group of teenagers who (1) hear cases involving juveniles, usu. first-time offenders, who have ac-knowledged their guilt or responsibility, and (2) impose sanctions within a fixed range, usu. involving counseling, community service, or restitution. • Some local jurisdictions in more than half the states have provided for this type of tribunal. The juvenile offender

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