Search Results for: RULE, THE


nisi 〈拉〉除非 该词常作为省略用语附加于rule, order, decree, judgment或confirmation等词之前或之后表示所作裁决是有效的,除非受该裁决影响的一方出庭并提出异议或采取某种步骤使其无效或使其被撤销。因此decree nisi或nisi decree就是明确地确定被告权利的判决,除非被告在规定期限内提出理由以推翻该判决或有效地提出上诉或以其他方式使该判决失效。在这个意义上,nisi是absolute(绝对的,不附任何条件的)的反义词。当一个rule nisi(有条件的裁定)因被告未能按规定提出异议而被最后确认时,它就成为「绝对的」或「终局的」〔absolute〕裁定。

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matrix (may-triks), n. [Latin] 1. Hist. Mother. 2. Civil law. The original legal instrument, from which all copies must be made. 3. A list of the parties to a lawsuit, including the addresses at which pleadings and notices can be served. • A matrix is commonly used to list the names and addresses of creditors

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self regulation

self-regulation. An organization’s or industry’s control, oversight, or direction of itself according to rules and standards that it establishes. • Self-regulation is often subject to the oversight of various governmental agencies, such as the Securities Exchange Commission and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission.

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proof brief

A preliminary appellate brief to be reviewed by the clerk of the court for compliance with applicable rules. • Proof briefs are required by local rules of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. A proof brief in full compliance will be accepted and filed. If not in compliance, it will be returned

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model code of professional responsibility

Model Code of Professional Responsibility. A set of ethical guidelines for lawyers, organized in the form of canons, disciplinary rules, and ethical considerations. • Published by the ABA in 1969, this code has been replaced in most states by the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. [Cases: Attorney and Client 32(2). C.J.S. Attorney and Client §

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prima facie case

prima facie case. 1. The establishment of a legally required rebuttable presumption. [Cases: Evidence 53, 85. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 2, 130–132, 134–135, 1341.] 2. A party’s production of enough evidence to allow the fact-trier to infer the fact at issue and rule in the party’s favor. [Cases: Evidence 584(1). C.J.S. Evidence §§ 226, 729, 1300–1305,

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practice, n. 1. The procedural methods and rules used in a court of law (local practice requires that an extra copy of each motion be filed with the clerk). 2. PRACTICE OF LAW (where is your practice?). practice, vb. Patents. 1. To make and use (a patented invention) (the employer had a shop right to

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