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capitulation (k[schwa]-pich-[schwa]-lay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The act of surrendering or giving in. 2. Int’l law. An agreement to surrender a fortified place or a military or naval force. • A commander in control may generally make such an agreement for the place or force. [Cases: War and National Emergency 9. C.J.S. War and National Defense §

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witnesseth, vb. Shows; records. • This term, usu. set in all capitals, commonly separates the preliminaries in a contract, up through the recitals, from the contractual terms themselves. Modern drafters increasingly avoid it as an antiquarian relic. Traditionally, the subject of this verb was This Agreement: the sentence, boiled down, was This Agreement witnesseth [i.e.,

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imprisonment, n. 1. The act of confining a person, esp. in a prison (the imprisonment of Jackson was entirely justified). 2. The state of being confined; a period of confinement (Jackson’s imprisonment lasted 14 years). See FALSE IMPRISONMENT. “Imprisonment, by whatever name it is called, is a harsh thing, and the discipline that must be

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mail, n. 1. One or more items that have been properly addressed, stamped with postage, and deposited for delivery in the postal system. [Cases: Postal Service 13. C.J.S. Postal Service and Offenses Against Postal Laws §§ 6, 15.] 2. An official system for delivering such items; the postal system. [Cases: Postal Service 3. C.J.S. Postal

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