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sentence cap

sentence cap. Military law. A pretrial plea agreement in a court-martial proceeding by which a ceiling is placed on the maximum penalty that can be imposed. [Cases: Military Justice 990, 1326. C.J.S. Military Justice §§ 201, 393, 449.]

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good faith bargaining

good-faith bargaining. Labor law. Negotiations between an employer and a representative of employees, usu. a union, in which both parties meet and confer at reasonable times with open minds and with a view to reaching an agreement. • The National Labor Relations Act requires good-faith bargaining, and failure to bargain in good faith is considered

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dictum de kenilworth

dictum de Kenilworth (dik-t[schwa]m dee ken-[schwa]l-w[schwa]rth), n. [Law Latin “edict of Kenilworth”] Hist. A declaration of an agreement between Edward I and the barons who had opposed him under the leadership of Simon de Montfort. • The agreement, which concerned rent on the lands forfeited in the rebellion, was so called because it was made

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idem sonans

idem sonans (I-dem soh-nanz), adj. [Latin] (Of words or names) sounding the same, regardless of spelling (the names Gene and Jean are idem sonans). • In trademark law, the term designates a name that sounds close enough to a registered trademark to create confusion among consumers and infringe that mark, so the Steinway company was

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assent, n. Agreement, approval, or permission; esp., verbal or nonverbal conduct reasonably interpreted as wil-lingness. See CONSENT. — assent, vb. “The requirement of ‘assent,’ which is fundamental to the formation of a binding contract, implies in a general way that both parties to an exchange shall have a reasonably clear conception of what they are

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