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felony n. (1)重罪 普通法中,指涉及没收罪犯的土地与财产归国王所有,并根据其犯罪行为的轻重另行处以死刑或其他刑罚的严重犯罪。在传统上,叛逆罪〔treason〕被划入重罪范畴之中。1967年,英国完全取消了重罪与轻罪的划分,重罪一词不再使用。重罪与轻罪之分已被可逮捕罪〔arrestable offence〕与不逮捕罪〔non-arrestable offence〕之分取代。在美国,重罪是指对某些比较严重罪行的总称。某些州则据如下标准进行犯罪分类:1罪犯关押地——是州监狱〔prison〕还是教养收容所〔penitentiary〕;或2可能最长刑期。许多州的制定法都规定重罪是指应判处1年以上监禁或死刑的犯罪。美国联邦和许多州的刑法典都规定了重罪种类或级别及与之相适应的刑罚。重罪犯可能丧失许多轻罪犯不会丧失的权利,如选举、律师执业、就任政府官员、做陪审员等。 (2) (封建法)对领主不忠而致封地被没收的罪行

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tying arrangement

tying arrangement. Antitrust. 1. A seller’s agreement to sell one product or service only if the buyer also buys a different product or service. • The product or service that the buyer wants to buy is known as the tying product or tying service; the different product or service that the seller insists on selling

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doctrine of equivalents

doctrine of equivalents. Patents. A judicially created theory for finding patent infringement when the accused process or product falls outside the literal scope of the patent claims. • The doctrine evolved to prevent parties from evading liability for patent infringement by making trivial changes to avoid the literal language of the patent claims. Graver Tank

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