Search Results for: PLEA

son assault demesne

son assault demesne (sohn [schwa]-sawlt di-mayn). [French “his own assault”] The plea of self-defense in a tort action, by which the defendant alleges that the plaintiff originally engaged in an assault and that the defendant used only the force necessary to repel the plaintiff’s assault and to protect person and property. See SELF-DEFENSE.

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barrister (bar-is-t[schwa]r), n. In England or Northern Ireland, a lawyer who is admitted to plead at the bar and who may argue cases in superior courts. • In many other Commonwealth nations, the legal profession is similarly divided into barristers and solicitors. Cf. SOLICITOR(4). — barristerial (bar-[ schwa]-steer-ee-[schwa]l), adj. inner barrister. 1. QUEEN’S COUNSEL. 2.

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business judgment rule

business-judgment rule. Corporations. The presumption that in making business decisions not involving direct self-interest or self-dealing, corporate directors act on an informed basis, in good faith, and in the honest belief that their actions are in the corporation’s best interest. • The rule shields directors and officers from liability for unprofitable or harmful corporate transactions

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praecipe (pree-s[schwa]-pee orpres-[schwa]-pee), n. [Latin “command”] 1. At common law, a writ ordering a defendant to do some act or to explain why inaction is appropriate. — Also termed writ of praecipe. 2. A written motion or request seeking some court action, esp. a trial setting or an entry of judgment. — Also spelled precipe.

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communia placita non tenenda in scaccario

communia placita non tenenda in scaccario (k[schwa]-myoo-nee-[schwa]plas-[schwa]-t[schwa] non t[schwa]-nen-d[schwa] in sk[schwa]-kair-ee-oh). [Law Latin “common pleas are not held in the Exchequer”] Hist. A writ directed to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, forbidding them from holding pleas between common persons, i.e., pleas in which the Crown was not a party.

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uncore prist

uncore prist ([schwa]n[g]-kor prist). [Law French “still ready”] Hist. A plea by which a party alleges readiness to pay or perform what is justly demanded. “Yet sometimes, after tender and refusal of a debt, if the creditor harasses his debtor with an action, it then becomes necessary for the defendant to acknowledge the debt, and

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serve, vb. 1. To make legal delivery of (a notice or process) (a copy of the pleading was served on all interested parties). 2. To present (a person) with a notice or process as required by law (the defendant was served with process). [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 411; Process 48. C.J.S. Process §§ 26, 33,

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