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sister. A female who has one parent or both parents in common with another person. consanguine sister (kahn-sang-gwin or k[schwa]n-san-gwin).Civil law. A sister who has the same father, but a different mother. half sister. A sister who has the same father or the same mother, but not both. sister-german. A full sister; the daughter of […]

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adequate protection

adequate protection. Bankruptcy. The protection afforded to a holder of a secured claim against the debtor, such as a periodic cash payment or an additional lien (the bankruptcy court permitted the lender to foreclose on the debtor’s home after finding a lack of adequate protection of the lender’s property interest).11 USCA § 361. [Cases: Bankruptcy

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all elements rule

all-elements rule. Patents. The doctrine that each element of a claim must be present in an allegedly infringing device in order to establish literal infringement. • This rule acts to limit the doctrine of equivalents and prevent the doctrine’s application to an entire claim, rather than the claim’s constituent elements. — Also termed all-limitations rule.

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inventory, n. 1. A detailed list of assets; esp., an executor’s or administrator’s detailed list of the probate-estate assets (make an inventory of the estate). • The term also sometimes denotes a divorcing spouse’s detailed list of all his or her marital and separate assets and liabilities. — Also termed inventory and appraisement. See PROBATE

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delict (di-likt), n. [Latin delictum “an offense”] Roman & civil law. A violation of the law; esp., a wrongful act or omission giving rise to a claim for compensation; TORT. — Also termed (in Roman law) delictum; (in French law) délit. [Cases: Torts 1. C.J.S. Torts §§ 2–7.] “A delict is a civil wrong. It

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