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confirmation of bishop

confirmation of bishop 〈英〉(教会法)主教的确认 主教参事会〔dean and chapter〕依据国王的确定主教人选指示信〔letter missive〕选出新主教后,还须经大主教确认才能举行主教就圣职仪式。在1848-1902年的一段时间内,曾数次发生大主教因当选主教对教义持有非正统观点而拒绝确认,但在1902年的国王诉坎特伯雷大主教案〔R.v.Archbishop of Canterbury〕中,法庭裁决大主教的确认只是一种形式,不能以教义的观点不正统而拒绝确认当选的主教。

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confirmatio (kon-f[schwa]r-may-shee-oh). [Latin “confirmation”] Hist. A confirmation of a voidable estate. See CONFIRMATION(3). confirmatio crescens (kon-f[schwa]r-may-shee-oh kres-enz). [Latin “growing confirmation”] A confirmation that enlarges an estate. confirmatio diminuens (kon-f[schwa]r-may-shee-oh di-min-yoo-enz). [Latin “diminishing confirmation”] A confirmation that decreases the services that a tenant must perform. confirmatio perficiens (kon-f[schwa]r-may-shee-oh p[schwa]r-fish-ee-enz). [Latin “perfecting confir-mation”] A confirmation that ratifies

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disaffirmance (dis-[schwa]-f[schwa]rm-[schwa]nts). 1. An act of denial; a repudiation, as of an earlier transaction. [Cases: Contracts 272. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 471, 484.] 2. A declaration that a voidable contract (such as one entered into by a minor) is void. — Also termed disaffirmation. [Cases: Infants 58(1). C.J.S. Infants §§ 166, 172–174.] “Disaffirmance is an operative

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