Search Results for: LEGISLATURE


senate. 1. The upper chamber of a bicameral legislature. [Cases: States 26. C.J.S. States § 40.] 2. (cap.) The upper house of the U.S. Congress, composed of 100 members — two from each state — who are elected to six-year terms. — Abbr. S. [Cases: United States 7. 1. C.J.S. United States § 16.]

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equally divided

equally divided. 1. (Of property) apportioned per capita — not per stirpes — among heirs on the testator’s death. • A provision in a will calling for property to be divided “share and share alike” has the same effect. [Cases: Wills 530. C.J.S. Wills §§ 1015–1016.] 2. (Of a court, legislature, or other group) having

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interpellate (in-t[schwa]r-pel-ayt), vb. 1. (Of a judge) to interrupt, with a question, a lawyer’s argument. 2. (Of a legislator) to interrupt a legislature’s calendar by bringing into question a ministerial policy, esp. in the legislature of France, Italy, or Germany. — Also termed (in Scots law) interpel (in-t[schwa]r-pel). — interpellation, n.

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overridden veto

A veto that the legislature has superseded by again passing the vetoed act, usu. by a supermajority of legislators. • In the federal government, a bill vetoed by the President must receive a two-thirds majority in Congress to override the veto and enact the measure into law. [Cases: Statutes 35. C.J.S. Statutes § 54.]

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contemnor (k[schwa]n-tem-[schwa]r or -n[schwa]r or -nor). A person who is guilty of contempt before an instrumentality of government, such as a court or legislature. — Also spelled contemner.

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insist, vb. (Of a house in a bicameral legislature) to reaffirm (an amendment) that the other house has considered but in which it has not concurred, or to reaffirm nonconcurrence in an amendment from which the other house has not receded. • An insistence often results in a request for a conference. See CONCUR(3); CONFERENCE(2);

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