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author. 1. Copyright. The person who creates an expressive work, or the person or business that hires another to create an expressive work. • In copyright law, “author” applies to a broad range of occupations, including writers, artists, programmers, choreographers, and translators. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 41(1).] 2. One from whom a right or […]

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continuity of interest

continuity of interest. 1. A doctrine covering acquisitive reorganizations whereby a target corporation’s share-holders must retain a share in the acquiring corporation to qualify the exchange as a tax-deferred transaction. 2. A judicial requirement for divisive reorganizations whereby a target corporation’s shareholders must retain an interest in both the distributing and the controlled corporations to

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interim dominus

interim dominus (in-t[schwa]r-im dom-[schwa]-n[schwa]s). [Law Latin] Hist. Proprietor in the meantime. • The feminine form is domina. “A widow is interim domina of terce lands after her service, and in virtue thereof may either possess them herself, or let them out to tenants.” John Trayner, Trayner’s Latin Maxims 286 (4th ed. 1894).

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recapitalization, n. An adjustment or recasting of a corporation’s capital structure — that is, its stocks, bonds, or other securities — through amendment of the articles of incorporation or merger with a parent or subsidiary. • An example of recapitalization is the elimination of unpaid preferred dividends and the creation of a new class of

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disorderly house

disorderly house. 1. A dwelling where people carry on activities that are a nuisance to the neighborhood. [Cases: Disorderly House 1. C.J.S. Disorderly Houses § 2.] 2. A dwelling where people conduct criminal or immoral activities. • Examples are brothels and drug houses. — Also termed (more narrowly) bawdy house; house of prostitution; house of

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quietus (kwI-ee-t[schwa]s), adj. [Law Latin] Quit; acquitted; discharged, esp. from a debt or obligation, or from serving as an executor. • In England, this term was formerly used by the Clerk of the Pipe, in a discharge given to an accountant, usu. concluding with abinde recessit quietus (“hath gone quit thereof”), called quietus est. 2.

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