Search Results for: REO


resettlement, n. 1. The settlement of one or more persons in a new or former place. 2. The reopening of an order or decree for the purpose of correcting a mistake or adding something omitted. [Cases: Motions 49. C.J.S. Motions and Orders §§ 56, 58.] — resettle, vb.

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decies tantum

decies tantum (desh-ee-eez ordee-shee-eez tan-t[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin “ten times as much”] Hist. A writ ordering a juror who accepted a bribe for a verdict to pay ten times the bribery amount, half to the suing party and half to the Crown. “Decies tantum is a writ that lies where a juror in any inquest

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supplicatio (s[schwa]p-li-kay-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. A petition to the emperor requesting him to decide a case, not already before a court, in first instance or, sometimes, to reopen a case in which no appeal is normally allowed. “Another mode was supplicatio, petition to the Emperor by a private person, not allowed when the

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cesser (ses-[schwa]r). 1. Hist. A tenant whose failure to pay rent or perform prescribed services gives the landowner the right to recover possession of the land. — Also spelled cessor; cessure. 2. The termination of a right or interest. “A proviso of cesser is usually annexed to long terms, raised by mortgage, marriage settlement, or

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stipulatio (stip-y[schwa]-lay-shee-oh), n. [Latin] Roman law. An oral contract requiring a formal question and reply, binding the replier to do what was asked. • It is essential that both parties speak, and that the reply directly conforms to the question asked and is made with the intent to enter into a contractual obligation. No consideration

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