Search Results for: REO

office of personnel management

Office of Personnel Management. The independent federal agency that administers the personnel system of the government by helping agencies recruit and evaluate employees; manage retirement and health-benefit systems; coordinate temporary assignments; conduct investigations; and develop leadership in the federal executive service. • The agency was established by Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978 and given

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homage (hom-ij). In feudal times, a ceremony that a new tenant performed for the lord to acknowledge the tenure. • This was the most honorable service that a free tenant might do for a lord. In the ceremony, kneeling before the lord, the tenant placed his hands between the lord’s hands while saying, “I become

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medical inspection

medical inspection 〈英〉体格检查 根据1973年的《全国医疗服务重建法》〔National Health Service Reorganization Act〕,国务大臣有责任作出规定,对在地方教育部门所办学校就读的中小学生,应进行体格和牙科检查及提供医疗服务;在人身伤害赔偿案件中,如果原告无故拒绝接受体检,法庭有权中止诉讼程序。

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chose (shohz), n. [French] A thing, whether tangible or intangible; a personal article; a chattel. See THING. chose in action. 1. A proprietary right in personam, such as a debt owed by another person, a share in a joint-stock company, or a claim for damages in tort. [Cases: Property 5. 5. C.J.S. Property § 22;

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confusio (k[schwa]n-fyoo-zhee-oh), n. [fr. Latin confundere “to pour together”] 1. Roman law. An inseparable mixture of liquid property belonging to different owners. Cf. COMMIXTIO. 2. Roman law. The extinction of a right or duty that occurs when the roles of creditor and debtor become united in one person. 3. Scots law. A doctrine whereby a

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Indian Tribal Law Court(Tribal Court)

Indian Tribal Law Court(Tribal Court) 〈美〉印第安部落法庭 该术语包括美国印第安部落的三种法庭类型。最普通的一种为部落法庭〔Tribal Court〕,根据《印第安重组法》〔Indian Reorganization Act〕汇编的《部落法法典》〔Tribal Code of Law〕而成立,依《1968年印第安民事权利法》〔Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968〕,该类法庭有权审理民事案件,及轻微刑事案件,可作出最高刑期为6个月的监禁和500美元的罚款。部落不同,法庭的组织和审判权限也相异,许多部落无此类法庭而依赖于州法院系统。第二种为传统法庭〔Traditional Court〕,只处理涉及部落传统和习惯事项,而不依据编入法典中的法律〔codified law〕。第三种为联邦条例法庭〔Court of Federal Regulations〕,按照通过印第安仪式〔Indian Service〕编纂的联邦法典运行。现在有19个联邦条例法庭、18个传统法庭和51个部落法庭。

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shareholder. One who owns or holds a share or shares in a company, esp. a corporation. — Also termed shareowner; (in a corporation) stockholder. [Cases: Corporations 170. C.J.S. Corporations §§ 305, 308–309, 312, 314, 317.] controlling shareholder. A shareholder who is in a position to influence the corporation’s activities because the shareholder either owns a

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