Search Results for: SECURED

collateralized mortgage obligation

collateralized mortgage obligation. Securities. A bond secured by a group of mortgage obligations or pass-through securities and paid according to the payment schedule of its class (or tranche). • CMOs are issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and benefit from predictable payments of interest and principal. — Abbr. CMO. See pass-through security under

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respondentia (ree-spon-den-shee-[schwa] or res-pon-). [Law Latin fr. Latin respondere “to answer”] A loan secured by the cargo on one’s ship rather than the ship itself. Cf. BOTTOMRY. [Cases: Shipping 88. C.J.S. Shipping § 221.]

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security agreement

security agreement. An agreement that creates or provides for an interest in specified real or personal property to guarantee the performance of an obligation. • It must provide for a security interest, describe the collateral, and be signed by the debtor. The agreement may include other important covenants and warranties. [Cases: Secured Transactions 41–51. C.J.S.

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