Search Results for: TROVER

final judgment

A court’s last action that settles the rights of the parties and disposes of all issues in controversy, except for the award of costs (and, sometimes, attorney’s fees) and enforcement of the judgment. — Also termed final appealable judgment; final decision; final decree; definitive judgment; determinative judgment; final appealable order. See FINAL-JUDGMENT RULE. [Cases: Appeal

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dispute, n. A conflict or controversy, esp. one that has given rise to a particular lawsuit. — dispute, vb. major dispute. Labor law. Under the Railway Labor Act, a disagreement about basic working conditions, often resulting in a new collective-bargaining agreement or a change in the existing agreement. • Under the Act, two classes of

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land trust

A land-ownership arrangement by which a trustee holds both legal and equitable title to land while the beneficiary retains the power to direct the trustee, manage the property, and draw income from the trust. — Also termed Illinois land trust; naked land trust. [Cases: Trusts 140(1). C.J.S. Trover and Conversion §§ 254, 256.]

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declaration of paris

Declaration of Paris. An international agreement, signed by Great Britain, France, Turkey, Sardinia, Austria, Prussia, and Russia in 1856 (at the end of the Crimean War), providing that (1) privateering is illegal, (2) with the exception of contraband, a neutral flag covers an enemy’s goods, (3) with the exception of contraband, neutral goods cannot be

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