Search Results for: TROVER


duration. 1. The length of time that something lasts (the duration of the lawsuit). duration of interest. The length of time that a property interest lasts. duration of trust. The length of time that a trust exists. [Cases: Trusts 60. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 117.] 2. A length of time; a continuance in time

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personal action

personal action (1)对人之诉 早期普通法中的民事诉讼可分为对人之诉〔personal action〕、不动产权益之诉〔real action〕和混合之诉〔mixed action〕,其中对人之诉是基于合同或侵权而针对特定个人提起的诉讼,其目的在于要求被告履行合同债务或是针对所造成的损害进行赔偿。合同性质对人之诉包括报账之诉〔action of account〕、简式契约之诉〔assumpsit〕、允诺契据之诉〔covenant〕、定额债务之诉〔debt〕等;侵权性质对人之诉包括动产占有回复之诉〔replevin〕、侵害之诉〔trespass〕、非法挪用之诉〔trover〕、陪审团裁定之诉〔attaint〕、类案之诉〔case〕、诈欺之诉〔deceit〕、包讼之诉〔champerty〕、共谋之诉〔conspiracy〕、扣留财物之诉〔detinue〕等。这些诉讼连同与其相应的诉讼开始令状〔original writ〕及诉讼程式均于19世纪一并被废除。这个词现在常用来指对人诉讼〔action in personam〕,即法庭判决是要求特定个人作出一定行为,通常是支付金钱,以区别于对物诉讼〔action in rem〕。在对物诉讼中,原告是针对特定的物提出物权主张或债权主张,即主张自己对某物享有权利,或要求别人针对该物所作的损害进行赔偿。最后该词也指只能由当事人本人提起的诉讼。在大陆法中,对人之诉要求被告履行基于合同或侵权所产生的债务,即要求被告转移对某物的控制,履行某种义务或是赔偿一定的损失。 (2)对人诉讼(=action in personam) (3)(罗马法)对人诉讼(=actio personalis;personalis actio) (→real action; action; mixed action)

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COURT BARON court baron

Hist. A manorial court with jurisdiction over amounts in controversy of 40 shillings or less. • Ac-cording to some authorities, the court baron developed into two courts: the customary court baron for disputes involving copyholders, and the court baron proper (also known as the freeholders’ court baron), in which free-holders were allowed to hold court

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