Search Results for: TROVER

feigned issue

feigned issue. Hist. A proceeding in which the parties, by consent, have an issue tried by a jury without actually bringing a formal action. • The proceeding was done when a court either lacked jurisdiction or was unwilling to decide the issue. — Also termed fictitious issue. “The chancellor’s decree is either interlocutory or final. […]

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assumpsit 〈拉〉 (1)他承诺 (2)(英格兰古法)违反简式合约索赔之诉;简约之诉 英格兰普通法旧式的诉讼程式〔form of action〕之一,主要针对违反简式合约的损失而请求赔偿,它是从类案侵权之诉〔trespass on the case〕发展而来。起初这一诉讼的救济仅给予存在明示协议的情况。后亦扩展到默示或推定协议的情况。因此简约诉讼又分为普通简约之诉〔indebitatus assumpsit; common counts; money counts; common assumpsit〕和特殊简约之诉〔special assumpsit; special counts〕,前者基于默示合约,而后者则基于明示的承诺;前者多发生于出卖、运输货物、完成劳务所引起的价金给付,后者则常见于不履行协议所造成损失,偶尔也见于合同条款需要解释的情况。简约之诉属类案诉讼〔action on the case〕,它区别于「trespass」和「trover」之处在于后二者是基于侵权行为而非合同;区别于「covenant」和「debt」之处在于后者基于盖印文书或特定给付义务;区别于「replevin」之处在于后者要求的是尽可能地返还原物而非赔偿损失。 (3)简式合约;承诺;非盖印契约 一方承诺另一方为一定行为,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的,但不盖印;可以是明示的,也可以是默示的或推定的。

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honorary trust

A noncharitable trust that is of doubtful validity because it lacks a beneficiary capable of enforcing the trust. • Examples include trusts for the care and support of specific animals, or for the care of certain graves. The modern trend is to recognize the validity of such trusts, if the trustee is willing to accept

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decretals (di-kree-t[schwa]lz), n. Eccles. law. Canonical epistles written either by the Pope or by the Pope and his cardinals to settle controversial matters; esp., the second part of the Corpus Juris Canonici, canonical epistles consisting mainly of: (1) Decretales Gregorii Noni, a collection by Raymundus Barcinius, chaplain to Gregory IX, dating from about 1227; (2)

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(1) forms of action (1)

(1) forms of action (1) 诉讼程式;诉讼格式 普通法上的诉讼程式,与普通法所确认的责任理论相适应。若原告未恰当地分析诉因,选择合适的责任理论并选用正确的诉讼程式,则起诉将被驳回。原告必须在起诉前选定诉讼程式,不得在起诉后更改。按照不同的救济要求,诉讼可分为三大类:不动产诉讼〔real action〕,要求索回不动产;混合诉讼〔mixed action〕,要求索回不动产及赔偿对不动产的损害;对人诉讼〔personal action〕,要求追索债务或动产,或要求赔偿对人身、财产或合同权利的损害。普通法上的诉讼程式通常有11种:侵害之诉〔trespass〕、间接侵害之诉〔trespass on the case〕、动产侵占之诉〔trover〕、收回土地之诉〔ejectment〕、返还动产之诉〔detinue〕、动产占有回复之诉〔replevin〕、追索债务之诉〔debt〕、允诺契据之诉〔covenant〕、报账之诉〔account〕、特别简约之诉〔special assumpsit〕、普通简约之诉〔general assumpsit〕。诉讼程式在英国已为1873-1875年的《司法组织法》〔Judicature Acts〕所废除。美国联邦和绝大多数州均已废除普通法上的诉讼程式,只留下一种程式,即「民事诉讼」。

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