Search Results for: TROVER

Totten trust

A revocable trust created by one’s deposit of money, typically in a savings account, in the depositor’s name as trustee for another. • A Totten trust is an early form of “pay on death” account, since it creates no interest in the beneficiary unless the account remained at the depositor’s death. Its name derives from […]

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advisory opinion

advisory opinion 咨询意见 1国际法院应联合国及其授权的专门机构的请求就某一问题所提供的解答意见,但不具有法律拘束力;2在美国,指法院应政府或有利害关系的一方当事人的请求,就某事项如果提交诉讼,法院将如何裁决所提供的意见。它是对法律的解释,但无法律约束力。通常州法院才提供咨询意见,联邦法院因宪法规定其管辖权限于审判案件和争议〔cases and controversies〕,所以它不提供这种咨询意见。在某些司法区,法院应立法机关的请求也可提供咨询意见;3在美国,上级法院向下级法院就某一法律点〔point〕所提供的意见;4在联合王国,枢密院司法委员会应请求也可以提供咨询意见。

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cotrustee. One of two or more persons in whom the administration of a trust is vested. • The cotrustees form a collective trustee and exercise their powers jointly. — Also termed joint trustee. See TRUSTEE. [Cases: Trusts 238. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 345.]

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ripeness doctrine

ripeness doctrine 〈美〉成熟原则 该原则要求呈交联邦法院的案件必须是现存的实际争议,法院不受理仅是假设性或推测性的问题。因而,每一个案件中其法定权益相冲突的当事人之间是否存在实质争议〔substantial controversy〕,具有充分的紧迫性〔immediacy〕和现实性以促进法院作出确认判决〔declaratory judgment〕,是很重要的问题。在司法审查中,成熟原则指除非争议的行政行为已发展成熟到适合作出司法裁决的阶段,法院不愿给予确认判决和禁制令的救济手段〔injunctive remedy〕,这一原则存在的基本理由在于避免法院过早进行裁判,陷入抽像的行政政策争论,同时也保护行政机关在最后决定作出之前及行政行为对当事人发生具体影响之前,免受法院干涉。法院判定行政争议已成熟到可以进行司法审查的标准有二:一是问题适于法院裁判,二是推迟审查将对当事人造成困难。(→case; final decision rule; justiciable controversy; standing)

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formula. [Latin “set form of words”] 1. Roman law. A written document, prepared by a praetor and forwarded to a judex, identifying the issue to be tried and the judgment to be given by the judex. • It was based on model pleas formulated by the praetor in his edict and adapted by him or

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cestui que use

cestui que use (set-ee [orses-twee] kee [or k[schwa]] yoos).Archaic. The person for whose use and benefit property is being held by another, who holds the legal title to the property. Pl. cestuis que use or (erroneously) cestuis que usent.[Cases: Trusts 131. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 241.] “The basis of this institution was the transfer

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angary (ang-g[schwa]-ree).Int’l law. A country’s right, in war or other urgent circumstances, to seize — for temporary use — neutral merchant ships in its inland or territorial waters as well as aircraft within its territory, with full indemnity by the country. — Also termed right of angary; jus angariae; angaria. “In many respects the content

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support trust

A discretionary trust in which the settlor authorizes the trustee to pay to the beneficiary as much income or principal as the trustee believes is needed for support, esp. for “comfortable support” or “support in accordance with the beneficiary’s standard of living.” • The beneficiary’s interest cannot be voluntarily transferred, but creditors who provide necessaries

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repressed memory syndrome

repressed-memory syndrome. A memory disorder characterized by an intermittent and extensive inability to recall important personal information, usu. following or concerning a traumatic or highly stressful occurrence, when the memory lapses cannot be dismissed as normal forgetfulness. • The theoretical basis for this syndrome was proposed by Sigmund Freud in 1895. The American Psychiatric Association

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