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appurtenance ([schwa]-p[schwa]rt-[[schwa]-]n[schwa]nts), n. Something that belongs or is attached to something else (the garden is an appurtenance to the land). “The word ‘appurtenances’ which in former times at least was generally employed in deeds and leases is derived from the word apparentir which is Norman French and means to belong to. Speaking broadly, the word […]

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mcnabb– mallory rule

McNabb–Mallory rule. Criminal procedure. The doctrine that a confession is inadmissible if obtained during an unreasonably long detention period between arrest and a preliminary hearing. • Because of the broader protections afforded under the Miranda rule, the McNabb–Mallory rule is rarely applied in modern cases. McNabb v. United States, 318 U.S. 332, 63 S.Ct. 608

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goodwill. A business’s reputation, patronage, and other intangible assets that are considered when appraising the business, esp. for purchase; the ability to earn income in excess of the income that would be expected from the business viewed as a mere collection of assets. • Because an established business’s trademark or servicemark is a symbol of

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originality. Copyright. 1. The quality or state of being the product of independent creation and having a minimum degree of creativity. • Originality is a requirement for copyright protection. But this is a lesser standard than that of novelty in patent law: to be original, a work does not have to be novel or unique.

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secured, adj. 1. (Of a debt or obligation) supported or backed by security or collateral. [Cases: Secured Transactions 2. C.J.S. Secured Transactions §§ 7, 9–10, 22, 27.] 2. (Of a creditor) protected by a pledge, mortgage, or other encumbrance of property that helps ensure financial soundness and confidence. See SECURITY. [Cases: Mortgages 22. C.J.S. Mortgages

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civil service commission

Civil Service Commission. A former independent federal agency that supervised the government’s personnel system. • The agency was created in 1883 and abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978. Its functions were transferred to the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Office of Personnel Management. See MERIT SYS-TEMS PROTECTION BOARD; OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

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residence. 1. The act or fact of living in a given place for some time (a year’s residence in New Jersey). 2. The place where one actually lives, as distinguished from a domicile (she made her residence in Oregon). • Residence usu. just means bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given place; domicile usu.

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TRIPs.abbr. Patents. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, a treaty that harmonized and strengthened the intellectual-property laws of its signatories by linking the obligation to protect the intellectual-property rights of other members’ citizens with a mechanism for settling international trade disputes. • TRIPs was negotiated at the 1994 Uruguay Round of the

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