Civil Service Commission

Civil Service Commission 文官事务委员会 1英国1855年设立的一个自治性的准司法机构,负责录用担任文官职位的人员。它根据个人品质和能力,录用普通行政部门需要的通才,也录用专门机构所需的具有专业技术的专门人员;2美国1883年设立的负责执行文官制度法的有关规定的机构。它通过公开的竞争考试录用文官。该委员会依1978年《文官制度改革法》〔Civil Service Reform Act〕进行改组。该委员会自身解散,分成两个机构,即人事管理局〔Office of Personnel Management〕和功绩制保护委员会〔Merit Systems Protection Board〕。1978年文官制度改革法的特点之一是设立了独立的公正的申诉程序,以纠正违反功绩制的行为。

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civil service commission

Civil Service Commission. A former independent federal agency that supervised the government’s personnel system. • The agency was created in 1883 and abolished by Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978. Its functions were transferred to the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Office of Personnel Management. See MERIT SYS-TEMS PROTECTION BOARD; OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT

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