Search Results for: RULE, THE

pretrial discovery

Discovery conducted before trial to reveal facts and develop evidence. • Modern procedural rules have broadened the scope of pretrial discovery to prevent the parties from surprising each other with evidence at trial. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 1261; Pretrial Procedure 14, 25. C.J.S. Discovery §§ 2, 6, 10, 32, 36, 58.]

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canonical (k[schwa]-non-[schwa]-k[schwa]l), adj. 1. (Of a rule or decree) prescribed by, in conformity with, or relating to canon law. 2. Orthodox; conforming to accepted rules or conventions.

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duplicate will

A will executed in duplicate originals by a testator who retains one copy and gives the second copy to another person. • The rules applicable to wills apply to both wills, and upon application for probate, both copies must be tendered into the registry of the probate court. [Cases: Wills 175. C.J.S. Wills §§ 395,

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remote, adj. 1. Far removed or separated in time, space, or relation. 2. Slight. 3. Property. Beyond the 21 years after some life in being by which a devise must vest. See RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES. [Cases: Perpetuities 4(3). C.J.S. Perpetuities §§ 16–17.]

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international crime

international crime. Int’l law. A grave breach of international law, such as genocide and crimes against humanity, made punishable offenses by treaties and applicable rules of customary international law. • An international crime occurs when three conditions are satisfied: (1) the criminal norm must derive either from a treaty concluded under international law or from

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