Search Results for: RULE, THE

new ruling

new ruling. Criminal procedure. A Supreme Court ruling not dictated by precedent existing when the defendant’s conviction became final and thus not applicable retroactively to habeas cases. • For example, when the Court in Ford v. Wainwright, 477 U.S. 399, 106 S.Ct. 2595 (1986), ruled that the Eighth Amendment prohibits execution of insane prisoners, this […]

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duke. 1. A sovereign prince; a ruler of a duchy. 2. The first order of nobility in Great Britain below the royal family. “But after the Norman conquest, which changed the military policy of the nation, the kings themselves continuing for many generations dukes of Normandy, they would not honour any subjects with that title,

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legal realism

legal realism, n. The theory that law is based, not on formal rules or principles, but instead on judicial decisions that should derive from social interests and public policy. • American legal realism — which flourished in the early 20th century — was espoused by such scholars as John Chipman Gray, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and

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law day

law day (1)合同约定的付款日 (2)(古)担保债务清偿日 指定由债务人履行债务以解除抵押,或取消回赎权,从而将抵押物让与债权人的期日。 (3)(英格兰古法)初级法院和郡法院的开庭日 早期普通法法院一年一次或一年二次的开庭日。 (4)〈美〉法治日 每年5月1日,全美各地举行各种纪念活动,宣传法治〔rule of law〕对于保障自由与促进公正的重要性。纪念活动由美国律师协会〔ABA〕以及各州律师协会主持,美国的学校、法院、教会、俱乐部举行各种报告会、座谈会和文化娱乐活动,包括模拟审判、旅游、参观司法机构等。该纪念日始于1958年。

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affirmative plea

affirmative plea 肯定性答辩 1在衡平法诉讼中,被告提出了起诉状〔bill〕中未包含的新的事实的答辩,如果该新的事实成立,将导致原告的起诉被驳回。最初,这是衡平法上仅有的一种答辩。现美国《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕已废除了这种答辩;2在普通法上,指提出在概括否认答辩〔general issue〕中无法证明之事项的特别答辩。

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combination. 1. An alliance of individuals or corporations working together to accomplish a common (usu. economic) goal. See COMBINATION IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE . 2. CONSPIRACY. 3. STRADDLE. 4. Patents. A union of old and new elements in an invention. • The term encompasses not only a combination of mechanical elements but also a combination

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