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proxenete (prok-s[schwa]-neet). [Latin fr. Greek] Roman & civil law. 1. A person who negotiates or arranges the terms of a contract between parties; a broker. 2. [Greek] A person who negotiates marriages; a matchmaker. — Also termed proxeneta.

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use based license

An open-source software license to which the user assents by acting according to the license’s terms, namely, by using, modifying, or distributing the licensed software. • Unlike a point-and-click agreement, a use-based license does not require the user to expressly declare acceptance of the license terms before using the software.

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accommodation party

accommodation party. A person who, without recompense or other benefit, signs a negotiable instrument for the purpose of being a surety for another party (called the accommodated party) to the instrument. • The accommodation party can sign in any capacity (i.e., as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser). An accommodation party is liable to all parties

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grievance, n. 1. An injury, injustice, or wrong that gives ground for a complaint (a petition for a redress of grievances). 2. The complaint itself ( the client filed a grievance with the state-bar committee). 3. Labor law. A complaint that is filed by an employee or the employee’s union representative and that usu. concerns

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diminished capacity

An impaired mental condition — short of insanity — that is caused by intoxication, trauma, or disease and that prevents a person from having the mental state necessary to be held responsible for a crime. • In some jurisdictions, a defendant’s diminished capacity can be used to determine the degree of the offense or the

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cessation of production clause

cessation-of-production clause. Oil & gas. A lease provision that specifies what the lessee must do to maintain the lease if production stops. • The purpose of the clause is to avoid the uncertainties of the tempo-rary-cessation-of-production doctrine. Cf. TEMPORARY-CESSATION-OF-PRODUCTION DOCTRINE . [Cases: Mines and Minerals 78.1(9). C.J.S. Mines and Minerals §§ 260–263.] “Many oil and

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