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arrear, n. (usu. pl.) 1. The state of being behind in the payment of a debt or the discharge of an obligation (the creditor filed a lawsuit against the debtor who was in arrears). — Also termed arrearage. 2. An unpaid or overdue debt (the creditor reached an agreement with the debtor on settling the […]

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engagement, n. 1. A contract or agreement involving mutual promises. [Cases: Contracts 57. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 108–109.] 2. An agreement to marry; the period after which a couple has agreed to marry but before they do so. — Also termed (in sense 2) betrothal; betrothment. [Cases: Breach of Marriage Promise 1. C.J.S. Breach of Marriage

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franchise n. (1)公民的选举权 (2)特许;特许权 政府授予个人或团体的做某事的特权,而非公民普遍享有的权利,例如准予经营有线电视的特许,在英国指臣民享有的王室特权。 (3)特许使用权;特许经营权 例如使用名称或出售产品或提供服务的权利;生产商或供应商可授权零售商根据约定的条款使用其产品及名称。也指商标或商号的权利人允准他人以其商号或商标出售产品或提供服务的特许。 (4)特许协议 (5)特许经营人所经营的业务 (6)(海上保险)相对免赔率;相对免赔额 (→franchise agreement; franchise clause; franchised dealer)

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white model

White model. Labor law. A method for determining whether a union member’s state-law claim against the em-ployer is preempted by federal law, by focusing on whether state law permits the claim to be waived by a private contract. • In Lingle v. Norge Division of Magic Chef, Inc., 486 U.S. 399, 108 S.Ct. 1877 (1988),

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affinity ([schwa]-fin-[schwa]-tee). 1. A close agreement. 2. The relation that one spouse has to the blood relatives of the other spouse; relationship by marriage. 3. Any familial relation resulting from a marriage. Cf. CONSANGUINITY. See relative by affinity under RELATIVE. Cf. AFFINITAS AFFINITATIS ; CONSAN-GUINITY. [Cases: Marriage 10. C.J.S. Marriage § 17.] “There is no

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void judgment

A judgment that has no legal force or effect, the invalidity of which may be asserted by any party whose rights are affected at any time and any place, whether directly or collaterally. • From its inception, a void judgment continues to be absolutely null. It is incapable of being confirmed, ratified, or enforced in

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